Shatal's system.
Can a person live more than 100 years with good health, mental clarity and efficiency? “Can and should!” – says the candidate of medical sciences and the author of the popular system of natural health (SEO) Galina Shatalova.
To do this, it is enough to move to the lifestyle prescribed by nature: adhere to the norms of species nutrition, move more, learn how to breathe correctly and think positively.
Confirmation of the effectiveness of the CEO is the life of Galina Sergeevna herself. As she approached her centenary, she continued to run, regularly doused herself with cold water, and sat freely on twine!
Shatal's system. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova She was 23 years old when she became a surgeon. Having passed from the first to the last day two wars (Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic War), Shatalova was invited to work at the Institute of Neurosurgery of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
She was intensively engaged in scientific work and in 1951 defended her PhD thesis, highly appreciated in scientific circles. And since 1960 she headed the sector of selection and training of cosmonauts in the newly created Research Institute of Cosmonautics.
Acquaintance with Eastern health practices and the method of medical fasting of Professor Yuri Nikolaev forced Galina Sergeevna to reconsider her attitude to official medicine.
“Most doctors, unfortunately, treat only the symptoms of the disease, not the cause. Therefore, diseases often become chronic, and people are not cured, but only prolong their lives.”
Shatalova came to the conclusion that a normally working body copes with any diseases itself: “If you have cancer or coronary heart disease, then you yourself drove the body into this state with prolonged work in the wrong mode.”
In the seventies, Galina Sergeyevna left medicine and devoted all her efforts to developing her own system of recovery.
More details about the system of natural rejuvenation Shatalova can be found in her books: "Human Health: Philosophy, Physiology, Prevention", "Healing Nutrition", "Choice of the Way" and others.
Physical health in SEO
Galina Shatalova outlined her nutrition system in the book “Healthy nutrition: therapeutic, everyday, festive”.
“Healthy, natural nutrition is one of the cornerstones of SEO. In combination with a complex of physical, breathing exercises and hardening procedures, it allows you to save a person from severe chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Shatalova diet It is very different from what most people are used to. Moreover, it is very different from the traditional principles of healthy eating, supported by modern medicine.
Reducing calorie intake
“Just eat specific food is not enough, you need to eat it little,” said Shatalova. The fact that most people overeat today, it is difficult to disagree with her. But what is the norm? WHO experts say that on average, with a sedentary lifestyle, women need up to 2,000 and men need 2,400 calories per day. Galina Sergeevna considers this norm overstated several times. According to her, she spent more than 40 years eating 500-900 calories and at the same time felt great.
In the Shatalova system, a special scheme of eating is offered. Breakfast should usually be late, about 11-12 in the morning, and in the morning, after waking up, you need to drink only herbal tea with a spoonful of honey.
The second meal falls on 17-18 hours, and in the evening you can also drink tea, a decoction of herbs or an infusion of dried fruits. In one meal, you need to use only one food product, the portion volume is approximately the volume of palms folded by a boat.
The transition to healing nutrition according to the system of Galina Shatalova should be gradual. It is better to do this in the spring, when the first fresh plants appear. At this time, the craving for meat also decreases, which makes it easier to get used to the new diet.
Professor Neumyvakin says: everyone can be healthy like an astronaut! "Site" He shares the advice of Ivan Pavlovich, allowing you to maintain good health without drugs.
Back health is the key to excellent health and the very key to longevity! We tell you what everyday habits quietly destroy the musculoskeletal system of modern man and how to deal with them.
To force herself to lose weight, Ekaterina Mirimanova came up with her own rules and began to follow them. Thus, the author’s method of losing weight “Minus 60” was born.

To do this, it is enough to move to the lifestyle prescribed by nature: adhere to the norms of species nutrition, move more, learn how to breathe correctly and think positively.

Confirmation of the effectiveness of the CEO is the life of Galina Sergeevna herself. As she approached her centenary, she continued to run, regularly doused herself with cold water, and sat freely on twine!
Shatal's system. Galina Sergeevna Shatalova She was 23 years old when she became a surgeon. Having passed from the first to the last day two wars (Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic War), Shatalova was invited to work at the Institute of Neurosurgery of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

She was intensively engaged in scientific work and in 1951 defended her PhD thesis, highly appreciated in scientific circles. And since 1960 she headed the sector of selection and training of cosmonauts in the newly created Research Institute of Cosmonautics.
Acquaintance with Eastern health practices and the method of medical fasting of Professor Yuri Nikolaev forced Galina Sergeevna to reconsider her attitude to official medicine.

“Most doctors, unfortunately, treat only the symptoms of the disease, not the cause. Therefore, diseases often become chronic, and people are not cured, but only prolong their lives.”
Shatalova came to the conclusion that a normally working body copes with any diseases itself: “If you have cancer or coronary heart disease, then you yourself drove the body into this state with prolonged work in the wrong mode.”
In the seventies, Galina Sergeyevna left medicine and devoted all her efforts to developing her own system of recovery.

More details about the system of natural rejuvenation Shatalova can be found in her books: "Human Health: Philosophy, Physiology, Prevention", "Healing Nutrition", "Choice of the Way" and others.
Physical health in SEO
- Positive thinking
Shatalova believed that a person who is angry, envious or tormented by greed is much more difficult to adjust to a healthy lifestyle than an optimist. Positive thinking in our list is in the first place, since until a person puts his thoughts in order, you can not try to heal the body. - Run.
The best physical activity Shatalova considered running. She practiced it herself until the last days of her life. Agreeing with the need for aerobic exercise, many experts nevertheless dispute the benefits of running, especially for the elderly.
Running carries large impact loads on the joints and spine, with each step we beat ourselves on the foot with the mass of the whole body. A more rational solution looks fast walking, allowing you to minimize the load on the joints. - Daily exercise
Galina Sergeevna recommended paying special attention to the spine: engage in flexibility exercises, do stretching, practice yoga, monitor posture. - Breathing technique
As a source for the development of respiratory gymnastics, Dr. Shatalova took the yogi breathing system. A healthy person, in her opinion, should take 4-5 breaths and exhales per minute (the medical norm is 16). Only at this rate can a person easily live up to 150 years. - Healthy sleep.
Any supporter of a healthy lifestyle will agree with the need for an early rise. Galina Sergeyevna advised to get up at 5 a.m. And if a person gets up at 9 or 10 in the morning, then for him, according to Shatalova, the day is irretrievably lost. - Hardening
Galina Sergeevna believed that the ability to easily withstand the cold mobilizes the forces of the body: “It should be used for health every minute of your life, not indulged in idleness, sofa life and dubious pleasures.
Start small. Pour cold, better ice, water into the basin and drop one leg into it for a moment, immediately rub it with a towel and put on a wool sock, then do the same with the other leg. Gradually it will be possible to move to a cool soul and to douses.”
Galina Shatalova outlined her nutrition system in the book “Healthy nutrition: therapeutic, everyday, festive”.

“Healthy, natural nutrition is one of the cornerstones of SEO. In combination with a complex of physical, breathing exercises and hardening procedures, it allows you to save a person from severe chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Shatalova diet It is very different from what most people are used to. Moreover, it is very different from the traditional principles of healthy eating, supported by modern medicine.
- Species nutrition
At one time, academician Vernadsky expressed the idea that any organism needs and is useful only the nutrition that is assigned to it by nature. This type of food, which is decisive in living nature, is called species. Shatalova calls grains, vegetables, nuts and fruits species food, in the sense that our teeth, stomach and intestines are better adapted for their digestion. She considers meat, fish, dairy products, as well as coffee and other stimulating drinks unsuitable for humans.
This point can be considered controversial, because there is now a lot of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of coffee, not to mention fish.
It is known, for example, that the inhabitants of the Japanese island of Okinawa eat mainly fish, and it is among them that the highest average life expectancy and the maximum number of centenarians over 100 years for every 100,000 population is recorded.
Reducing calorie intake
“Just eat specific food is not enough, you need to eat it little,” said Shatalova. The fact that most people overeat today, it is difficult to disagree with her. But what is the norm? WHO experts say that on average, with a sedentary lifestyle, women need up to 2,000 and men need 2,400 calories per day. Galina Sergeevna considers this norm overstated several times. According to her, she spent more than 40 years eating 500-900 calories and at the same time felt great.

In the Shatalova system, a special scheme of eating is offered. Breakfast should usually be late, about 11-12 in the morning, and in the morning, after waking up, you need to drink only herbal tea with a spoonful of honey.
The second meal falls on 17-18 hours, and in the evening you can also drink tea, a decoction of herbs or an infusion of dried fruits. In one meal, you need to use only one food product, the portion volume is approximately the volume of palms folded by a boat.
The transition to healing nutrition according to the system of Galina Shatalova should be gradual. It is better to do this in the spring, when the first fresh plants appear. At this time, the craving for meat also decreases, which makes it easier to get used to the new diet.
Professor Neumyvakin says: everyone can be healthy like an astronaut! "Site" He shares the advice of Ivan Pavlovich, allowing you to maintain good health without drugs.
Back health is the key to excellent health and the very key to longevity! We tell you what everyday habits quietly destroy the musculoskeletal system of modern man and how to deal with them.
To force herself to lose weight, Ekaterina Mirimanova came up with her own rules and began to follow them. Thus, the author’s method of losing weight “Minus 60” was born.