Postural Therapy Methods by Peter Egoscue

Back problems are the result of spasmodic weak muscles and a curved spine. Usually, massage therapists remove spasms, and tablets muffle the pain, but do not eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

The back should be dealt with, only then she will thank and stop hurting forever. Peter Egoscue proved it on himself. He had back problems until he empirically developed a set of exercises that helped him. And now they're helping his clients.

His method is based on the principles of postural therapy. According to the Egoscue theory, our body is not biomechanically tuned to the activities we normally do.

For this reason, certain muscle groups atrophy, and others, on the contrary, take on too much, which causes everything to cough up and hurt. This is the cause of many diseases from various areas.

He set himself the task of restoring balance. He created exercises on static load, designed to compensate for the effects of motor failure.


How to strengthen your back
  1. Static posture lying on your back
    Lie on your back, put your feet on the chair. Extend your hands to the sides with your palms up, your thumbs should touch the floor. Relax the upper back, make sure that the lower one is tight and flat to the floor, and the spine is not curved to the right or left. Stay in this position for five minutes.

  2. Static stretching while standing on the elbows
    Stand on all fours so that the shoulders, elbows and wrists form a straight line, and the hip joints are directly above the knees. Move your palms 15 cm forward, then place your elbows in place of your palms. Squeeze your hands in your fists, turn them with your thumbs up and to the sides. Take the pelvis back to the heels so that there is a deflection in the lower back. Put your head down. Stay in that position for a minute.

  3. Bridge on the shoulders with a pillow
    Lie on your back. Squeeze the pillow between your knees. Raise the pelvis and lower back above the floor, forming a straight line. Relax your upper body. Stay at the top of the climb for one minute.

  4. Active cushion bridge
    Starting as in the previous exercise. Next, instead of holding the pelvis at the top, gradually and continuously lower and raise it up and lower it down 15 times.

  5. Back position with gradual groin lift by support
    Lie down on the floor, put one foot on the chair and bend. Place the other foot on the support. Start at the lowest level and gradually rise higher until there is a deflection in the lower back. Stay in this position until your back is flat on the floor. Concentrate on straightening your back. Then lower your foot to one level of support-stand and again linger in this position. And so to the bottom. Then change your legs. This will gradually stretch the entire spine and make it more flexible.

  6. Shallow squats
    Stand with your back against the wall, legs on the width of the shoulders, socks look forward. Without taking your back off the wall, slowly descend down, as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair until your legs bent at your knees at right angles. The ankles should be slightly ahead of the knees. Do not lean against the wall with your hands, move the center of gravity to your heels. Hold in this position for 2 minutes.

On how to strengthen the back muscles with dynamic exercises, as well as how to strengthen the back of a child, read in our next articles. Follow the links.


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