How to prepare the pouring according to the recipe of Andrei Konchalovsky
There was a time when not a single Russian manor, not a single noble or merchant house could do without a whole battery of bottles, in which branded family houses insisted. pouring.
The recipes of these drinks were given from generation to generation and were guarded more than the apple of the eye, so that even years later someone could say: What a miracle cherry I once drank at the Petrovs! Oh, and the barberry? They don't do that now.
The secrets of making many branded family drinks are irretrievably lost, and the more valuable those that have been saved. Today. "Site" will share with readers the way of preparing “finishing” – family pouring of the star family Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky.
In his book of memoirs “Low truths” Andrei Konchalovsky devotes a whole chapter to the recipe for “finishing”. It is difficult not to quote the author: “My whole life is connected with the ending. And not only mine, but also my father Sergey Vladimirovich, and grandfather Peter Petrovich, and brother Nikita, and my son Egor, and Nikitin’s son Stepan – all Konchalovsky and Mikhalkov.
“It was done in a special way. There was vodka, the most ordinary, not the best kind - "Moscow". It was poured into a huge ten-liter bottle. In the throat of the bottle, my mother put grains of potassium permanganate, put it in a dark closet. Permanganate slowly settled down, five to ten days later, dark flakes of precipitated fusel oils floated at the bottom of the bottle.
In the spring, they collected currant buds and insisted on vodka. The tincture turned green and smelled of currant leaf. The smell of currant leaf, especially the currant kidney, is unbearably piercing. It smells great! Such vodka did not turn out very much, because the kidneys could be recruited, too, not very much - do not pick up all the bushes!
Vodka on a currant bud is, so to speak, for aristocrats. Normal finishing was done like this. Cut currants, five or nine kilograms, belly buttons were cut off from the berries, the berry washed, was laid out to dry on the newspaper. After four days of drying, the currants were put in a bottle with ten liters of purified vodka.”
When infused, the vodka acquired an amazing pomegranate color, at the opening the bottle seemed filled with red wine. Konchalovka was given due by all the mother's guests - and Alexei Tolstoy, and Count Ignatiev, and surgeon Vishnevsky, about Boris Livanov and not talking.
Editorial Board Attention! It is very important to use currant without mold and sterilize the bottle or can, even one bad berry will spoil the entire batch of the drink.
The ingredients
If desired, to give the future drink spiciness, you can add clean crushed currant leaves to the berries. You may ask, “Why the leaves when there are berries?”
We answer: firstly, young black currant leaves contain more vitamin C and biologically active substances than berries, secondly, the tincture of currant leaves cleanses the vessels and reduces blood pressure, thirdly, currant leaf gives the pouring an incomparable aroma.
And finally, it is a tradition with more than two hundred years of history. Alcoholic drinks infused with odorous currant leaves are found in the works of Goncharov, Gogol and other classics of Russian literature.
If your family carefully stored old grandfather recipes berry pours or tinctures, share in the comments with our readers. The best recipes will be published.
Blackcurrant leaves and kidneys are a real concentrate of vitamins and they, it is hard to believe, contain more vitamin C than berries! "Site" It will tell readers about their wonderful properties and applications in cooking.
Deservedly popular in folk medicine are also walnut leaves. Walnut is an invaluable gift of nature, and this article is devoted to the unique properties of its leaves.
Berry pour "Four for four", which absorbed all the juice collected berries over the summer, becomes not just alcohol, but the most delicious, exquisite homemade drink. Everyone has their own recipe, but this one is truly brilliant in its simplicity.

The recipes of these drinks were given from generation to generation and were guarded more than the apple of the eye, so that even years later someone could say: What a miracle cherry I once drank at the Petrovs! Oh, and the barberry? They don't do that now.

The secrets of making many branded family drinks are irretrievably lost, and the more valuable those that have been saved. Today. "Site" will share with readers the way of preparing “finishing” – family pouring of the star family Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky.
In his book of memoirs “Low truths” Andrei Konchalovsky devotes a whole chapter to the recipe for “finishing”. It is difficult not to quote the author: “My whole life is connected with the ending. And not only mine, but also my father Sergey Vladimirovich, and grandfather Peter Petrovich, and brother Nikita, and my son Egor, and Nikitin’s son Stepan – all Konchalovsky and Mikhalkov.

“It was done in a special way. There was vodka, the most ordinary, not the best kind - "Moscow". It was poured into a huge ten-liter bottle. In the throat of the bottle, my mother put grains of potassium permanganate, put it in a dark closet. Permanganate slowly settled down, five to ten days later, dark flakes of precipitated fusel oils floated at the bottom of the bottle.
In the spring, they collected currant buds and insisted on vodka. The tincture turned green and smelled of currant leaf. The smell of currant leaf, especially the currant kidney, is unbearably piercing. It smells great! Such vodka did not turn out very much, because the kidneys could be recruited, too, not very much - do not pick up all the bushes!
Vodka on a currant bud is, so to speak, for aristocrats. Normal finishing was done like this. Cut currants, five or nine kilograms, belly buttons were cut off from the berries, the berry washed, was laid out to dry on the newspaper. After four days of drying, the currants were put in a bottle with ten liters of purified vodka.”

When infused, the vodka acquired an amazing pomegranate color, at the opening the bottle seemed filled with red wine. Konchalovka was given due by all the mother's guests - and Alexei Tolstoy, and Count Ignatiev, and surgeon Vishnevsky, about Boris Livanov and not talking.
Editorial Board Attention! It is very important to use currant without mold and sterilize the bottle or can, even one bad berry will spoil the entire batch of the drink.
The ingredients
- 700 ml of vodka
- 1kg blackcurrant berries
- 1.5 tables of sugar
- 5-6 currant leaves (optional)
- Wash the ripe currants. Tear off your tails.
- Put the currant in a glass jar.
- Pour the sugar and shake the containers.
- Tie the neck of a jar of gauze and put the jar for a couple of days under the sun - on the window sill.
- Once every 2-3 hours, shake the jar so that the sugar sand dissolves completely in the currant juice.
- After two days, pour vodka, mix well and put the container in the refrigerator for a month.
- After the allotted time, strain the pour through several layers of gauze.
- Okay, blackcurrant ready. Her smell is absolutely amazing. Currant is such, summer and very appetizing.
- Cheers!
If desired, to give the future drink spiciness, you can add clean crushed currant leaves to the berries. You may ask, “Why the leaves when there are berries?”
We answer: firstly, young black currant leaves contain more vitamin C and biologically active substances than berries, secondly, the tincture of currant leaves cleanses the vessels and reduces blood pressure, thirdly, currant leaf gives the pouring an incomparable aroma.
And finally, it is a tradition with more than two hundred years of history. Alcoholic drinks infused with odorous currant leaves are found in the works of Goncharov, Gogol and other classics of Russian literature.
If your family carefully stored old grandfather recipes berry pours or tinctures, share in the comments with our readers. The best recipes will be published.
Blackcurrant leaves and kidneys are a real concentrate of vitamins and they, it is hard to believe, contain more vitamin C than berries! "Site" It will tell readers about their wonderful properties and applications in cooking.
Deservedly popular in folk medicine are also walnut leaves. Walnut is an invaluable gift of nature, and this article is devoted to the unique properties of its leaves.
Berry pour "Four for four", which absorbed all the juice collected berries over the summer, becomes not just alcohol, but the most delicious, exquisite homemade drink. Everyone has their own recipe, but this one is truly brilliant in its simplicity.