Daughter Konchalovsky

For the first 2 months after the terrible accident, which seriously damaged 14-year-old Maria Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, her father, a famous film director Andrei Konchalovsky, left a note in their own page on the social network.
Daughter Konchalovsky: the latest news on December 11
14-year-old Maria Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, the daughter of the famous director Andrei Konchalovsky and actress Julia Vysotsky is still in a coma. Girl almost two months without regaining consciousness, and, as reported by some media, doctors are already beginning to prepare the family for the worst.
According to doctors, even in the case of a favorable outcome - if a girl comes out of the coma, the likelihood that her brain can still function normally, is extremely small. Each day stay in a comatose state reduces the chances of a quick rehabilitation, and more than 20 days of coma and all can cause serious complications. Two months unconscious - too long a period to hope for the best, experts admit, however, continuing to believe in miracles.
Andrei Konchalovsky on the status of the daughter: You always have to find the strength to live
On the eve of Andrei Konchalovsky the first time in 2 months written something in their social network. Directed published in his Facebook page excerpt from his book "elevates deception." The text is full experiences that are associated with her daughter injured in a car accident.
"The human optimism is often associated with the belief that all is well and will continue to only get better. It seems to me, optimism must be linked to the fact that good never will be, but we have to live in it and with it. To carry his cross. This - optimism. Always have to find the strength to live, knowing how much the world and we are in it are far from perfect ... "- quoted Konchalovsky excerpts from the book.
Since the terrible accident on October 12 famous director threw the job and together with his wife Julia Vysotsky are inseparable at the bedside of her daughter in Marseilles hospital Hospital de la Timone.
Julia Vysotsky also stopped shooting their program "Let's eat at home." At the same time, according to some reports, the actress is now seven months pregnant, expecting a third child: besides Masha couple also brings a 10-year-old son Peter.
Konchalovsky: accident in France (PHOTO)
Recall, October 12, 2013 directed by Andrei Konchalovsky, driving a car, along with his daughter Maria was in a terrible accident in France. "Mercedes" of the director, which in addition to his daughter as his wife was Julia Vysotsky, collided head-on with another car.
Photos from the scene of the accident: NTV frame

The girl was not wearing seatbelts, so suffered serious other - it had to be hospitalized by helicopter. The state of the young Masha assessed as extremely difficult and at the moment it is still in a coma.
Daughter Konchalovsky and Vysotsky in a coma 61 days, but miracles happen
Meanwhile, medicine knows some truly amazing when a patient sample in a coma for several months, came back to life. One such recently occurred in Voronezh Center of Rehabilitation. There came to her senses after five years (!) Coma Ryazan resident Catherine Yakunin, said in July this year, the newspaper "AIF-Black Earth".
According to the publication, 12 May 2008 Catherine was returning with his family from St. Petersburg, when at the entrance to the new machine Kolomna Yakunin suddenly slid off the road and crashed into a guardrail. Arrived on the scene physicians "fast" said: "The girl did not drove." But to the hospital Catherine Yakunin yet brought alive, had the surgery, after which came the clinical death.
In a coma ryazanka spent 43 days she could not breathe, and she spent a few weeks on a ventilator. Doctors even offered daughter from mother to disable the device, but she did not agree. Catherine breathed itself in just a few weeks, but her mind and did not return.
Consequences of the accident tried to cure Institute. Polenov in St. Petersburg, Institute. Pirogov in Moscow, but managed to get real help at the end of 2012 in Voronezh Center of Rehabilitation. "Six months ago, it was a vegetative patients who do not respond to external stimuli. Clinically, this is the same as coma. As a rule, the average life expectancy of these patients - two years "- quoted" AIF-Black Earth "chief physician Center Ilya Martynov.
Now, as the newspaper writes, Yakunin hears and understands what she is told, can move his arms and legs, blinking in agreement. According to doctors, if Catherine will continue rehabilitation courses, then it has a chance to go in a completely clear conscience, to begin to speak and move.
Source: www.topnews.ru