How to get old shapes for the summer

With the arrival of spring and the approach of the beach season, many think about losing weight, linking the solution to this problem with fasting. Indeed, at all times fasting was widely used not only to combat excess weight, but also as a remedy.

Today it is established that fasting leads to positive changes in the body, but at the same time is associated with the risk of exacerbation of a number of diseases. Is it possible to take advantage of fasting and avoid the risks?

It seems that this can be achieved with the help of the fashionable American diet FMD. "Site" He wants to tell his readers. The method was developed at the Institute of Longevity of the University of Southern California and, according to its authors, can slow down the aging process.

The Fasting Mimicking Diet, or FMD, is a nutrition program designed to help achieve the health benefits of fasting while minimizing the side effects associated with long-term calorie restriction.

FMD diet It involves a significant reduction in total calorie intake for three to five days of each month. After that, normal eating habits resume for the rest of the month. This is one cycle, and cycles continue until the desired result is achieved.

Calories are reduced to about 40% of normal intake, and the distribution of macronutrients shifts towards healthy fats. Imitation of starvationEssentially, it tricks our body into lowering calories so that the body feels like it is starving and can take full advantage of the condition.

Benefits of imitating starvation
  1. Immune system repair.
  2. Cleansing the body of precancerous cells.
  3. Autophagy activation.
  4. Decreased visceral fat.
  5. Breast cancer prevention.
  6. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Many people find it easier to start a diet if the daily calorie content on the first day is slightly higher than planned - 50% of total consumption. In all subsequent days, this indicator decreases to 35-40% of the total calorie intake.

  1. First day - 1,100 calories
    Breakfast - 70 grams of avocado. A little salt and pepper to taste.
    Lunch 0.5 cups of spinach, 0.5 green apple, 0.5 cups of pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon of dill, 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
    Afternoon - 7 black olives.
    Dinner. 0.5 cups of spinach, 0.5 green apple, 10 peeled almonds, 100 grams of boiled lentils, 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil, 0.5 avocados.

  2. From day two to day five - 800 kilocalories
    Breakfast - 70 grams of avocado. A little salt and pepper to taste.
    Lunch 0.5 cups of spinach, 10 peeled almond fruits, 0.5 cups of boiled barley, 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of nut oil.
    Dinner. 0.5 cups of broccoli, 0.5 green apple, 100 grams of boiled lentils, 1 teaspoon of nut oil.

  3. Diet exit day
    24 hours after the end of FMD, you need to follow a diet based on complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, rice, bread, fruits, pasta) and minimally eat fish, meat, saturated fats, cheeses, milk and so on.

Who is not recommended to follow the FMD diet
  1. Pregnant women.
  2. People who are underweight.
  3. People with heart rhythm disorders and cardiovascular failure.
  4. People with liver and kidney diseases, stomach ulcers and duodenum.
  5. People over 70 years without the appropriate recommendation of the attending physician.

Healthy people who monitor themselves and have regular physical activity are recommended to eat food according to the principles of FMD every six months. While people with overweight and risk factors for diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease - once a month.

In addition to this amazing technique, make it a habit to perform gymnastics Alexander Drozennikov, which will help get rid of excess fat even in the most problematic places. Good luck in losing weight, you will succeed!

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