How to prepare pod beans
Green pod beans This is an ordinary bean from which borscht is prepared, only immature. It is popular because it contains a large number of useful substances.
It is eaten with pods, without peeling. First boiled in boiling water for 4-5 minutes with the addition of salt (1 tbsp. l. salt per 2 liters of water). And then the pod beans are added to various dishes.
Preparation of Ragu beans with asparagus beans Ingredients
Lobio Ingredients
DepositPhotos Preparation
DepositPhotos Salad of String Beans Ingredients
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It is eaten with pods, without peeling. First boiled in boiling water for 4-5 minutes with the addition of salt (1 tbsp. l. salt per 2 liters of water). And then the pod beans are added to various dishes.

Preparation of Ragu beans with asparagus beans Ingredients
- 200g string beans
- 300g zucchini
- 200g canned corn
- 300g tomatoes
- 100g onion
- 5 tbsp sunflower oil
- 2 cloves of garlic
- salt, pepper, tomato paste, garlic, cayenne pepper, dill, parsley to taste

- Pour 50 ml of water into a pan and put zucchini, tomatoes, onions into it to stew.
- After 5 minutes, add the corn, sliced bean pods, butter and tarnish for another 5 minutes.
- Add tomato paste, spices and 2 whole cloves of garlic. Carcase another 5 minutes. Sprinkle some greens at the end.

Lobio Ingredients
- 500g pod beans
- 100g red onion
- 50g cilantro
- 50g basilica
- 30g dill
- 30g walnuts
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- salt, pepper to taste

DepositPhotos Preparation
- Cut the pod beans into several parts and carcasses in a pan on an average heat with 2 tbsp. l of oil.
- Very finely chop onions, garlic, nuts and greens. After 10 minutes, add to the beans. Also add another 1 tbsp of oil. Hold on to a little fire for another 3 minutes.
- At the end, add the spices, mix everything. Give the dish another 5 minutes. Serve hot on the table.

DepositPhotos Salad of String Beans Ingredients
- 400g green beans
- 4 chicken eggs
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp sour cream
- salt, pepper to taste

- Boil hard-boiled eggs and pour cold water.
- Boil water, salt to taste, add sliced beans and broths. Wash the finished beans in a dummy under a stream of cold water.
- Heat in a pan 1 tbsp olive oil and roast green beans on it for 5 minutes, stirring.
- Put the roasted beans in the salad, squeeze the garlic on top of it.
- Peel the eggs, cut them in cubes, put them in a salad bowl.
- Add the spices, fill the sour cream and stir.

See more recipes for healthy foods in our next articles. Follow the links.