How the explanation decides

Back pain is an alarming signal about problems with the spine. Due to slouching or ignoring back problems, complications in the form of scoliosis or osteochondrosis can occur. But even posture is not so easy to keep when the back muscles are untrained.

To feel light in every movement, you don’t have to go to the gym. There are exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle corset, which can be easily performed at home without additional equipment.

It is necessary to train the muscles of the back, because they hold our spine. Especially when you have to work for 8 hours without getting up from a chair. Then the vertebrae are displaced due to improper landing and a long stay in a sitting position, pain in the neck, back, lower back occurs. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to perform strengthening exercises for the lower back at home at least 10 minutes a day.

Exercise for low back pain aimed at stretching the clamped muscles of the back and relieving aching pain. With acute back pain, any exercise is contraindicated. In order not to hurt yourself even more, consult your doctor. Editorial "Site" will tell about the exercise, which will help relieve pain in the lower back and protect the spine from injuries.

Before you start, make sure you are doing the right thing. It is good if there is a large mirror in front of which you can control your movements. It is good to perform the exercise after a hot shower when the muscles are warmed up.

Proper execution technique
  1. Sit down, stretch your legs right in front of you.
  2. Straighten your back and spread your arms to the sides.
  3. Slowly turn to the right, use the abdominal muscles to turn, try to strain the spine as little as possible. You need to turn to such an extent that you feel a slight tension in the muscles of the back.
  4. Slowly take the starting position.
  5. Turn your torso to the left, feel the tension in the back muscles on the right. The trunk shall not be tilted forward or backward during rotation.
  6. Get back to the starting position. Repeat 5 times on each side.

To develop flexibility helps yoga and daily stretching exercises. Maybe you won't be a ballerina, but you'll feel good and forget about back pain. To gain muscle tone, it is enough to perform several static exercises, and the most effective of them is the bar.

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