How to improve the atmosphere of the family
When couples who have been together for about 5 years separate, no one is surprised. But more and more divorce statistics feature spouses who have been together for 20 years or more. Having built a friendly family, giving each other almost a third of their lives, they decided to break up. Why do people separate? After the fire, water and copper pipes passed? For friends and family it often becomes a surprise, but this action is not thoughtless and is not some whim.
Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the most frequent. cause of divorceand how to change the situation for the better.
Advice on how to save the family
Talking to each other about everything is the only way to solve problems. Look in the mirror: if you see a boring, tortured person in the reflection, maybe you're in part the problem? And if so, make the decision to bring interest back into your life. Without him it is impossible to be a young soul and happy. A new hobby, even if you decide to grow a new type of cucumber together, will refresh your relationship.
We also talked about 16 truths that every woman needs to know in order to have a happy marriage.
Tell us in the comments what helps you maintain harmony in your relationship. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the most frequent. cause of divorceand how to change the situation for the better.
Advice on how to save the family
- The couple relaxed.
Being close to the same person 24 hours a day 7 days a week, we get used to and literally grow into each other. But sometimes it causes people to stop working on relationships. Perhaps a husband and wife earn and raise children, but they do not think about their attractiveness, interesting impressions and cease to be attentive to each other. Therefore, it is important to always keep the passion, the game. Gaining weight, settling at home and dressing in the style of “home chic” is not the right solution. It’s a message to your partner that you don’t care anymore.
DepositPhotos - Far from each other.
The process that leads to a “silver divorce” is slow. Everything happens gradually. Perhaps the spouses seem perfect from the outside and have never even fought too much. But there is a process of accumulation of these small errors and inefficiencies. Many of those who separated at the end of their lives say they just drifted apart, went their separate ways. Often women feel that they give too much: give up a career, do not take vacations and save. And they think that in a relationship they have no one to rely on. And they, not men, decide to leave, raising children. Everything has to be done and said on time. Relationships are happiness, not sacrifice. Take an interest in different novelties together, try to go somewhere for at least a couple of days without children, so that the couple have joint impressions and interest in each other.
DepositPhotos - The age difference is becoming more apparent.
When the man and woman met, the age difference between 10 and 15 seemed insignificant. 45 and 60 were once just 20 and 35. And now these numbers symbolize the midlife crisis and the first signs of old age. Every time someone goes through a crisis, they want to go back to a time when they were comfortable. It is for this reason that spouses often look for lovers younger than themselves or even go to them. So it is important to understand all the psychological processes and try to help your partner, otherwise divorce is inevitable.
DepositPhotos - The money question
What you worked so hard on when you were young becomes less of a priority. There is money, but did it bring much happiness? Maybe vice versa: you have to save and not spend as thoughtlessly as before. Financial issues often cause divorce. Therefore, you should always help each other, even if the woman is not working, for example, it is important to praise the husband for his efforts. The husband should also notice that the wife is working hard for their common good. The weakness of married couples is the lack of attention and praise.
DepositPhotos - Bedroom business
Hormonal changes occur with age, and this can affect how attractive a partner looks. Or intimacy ceases to be the only thing that held the couple together. Temperament and body skills change, which can lead to various complexes. You can’t repeat the passionate nights of the past, but they’re still with you. Find her in touch, quiet evenings together, in tenderness and smiles.
Talking to each other about everything is the only way to solve problems. Look in the mirror: if you see a boring, tortured person in the reflection, maybe you're in part the problem? And if so, make the decision to bring interest back into your life. Without him it is impossible to be a young soul and happy. A new hobby, even if you decide to grow a new type of cucumber together, will refresh your relationship.
We also talked about 16 truths that every woman needs to know in order to have a happy marriage.
Tell us in the comments what helps you maintain harmony in your relationship. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.