The history of Anna Molodtsova
Today, diabetes is called the “non-infectious epidemic of the XXI century”. According to official data, there are 425 million people in the world diabetic. Of these people, more than 1 million children and adolescents under 18 years old who suffer from type I diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that everyone has heard about, but few people fully understand its seriousness. Except for those who live with him and his family.
Recently we came across the story of a beautiful and courageous woman Anna Molodtsova, who has been living with diabetes for 33 years. She made her mini-project in which she spoke candidly about her life with the disease and all the difficulties she faces every day. Wonderful photos for the project was made by Olga Ivanchenko.
Today. "Site" I want to share with you the story and photos of this brave woman that struck us to the core.
Anna is a young, beautiful and energetic woman. She doesn't sit around, she always does something. She has her own cozy gift shop, where you can find cute and necessary things for home. She doesn't need pity, she doesn't ask for help, she just wants to tell her story and let her go into the world. And that's exactly what her project is for.
Anna begins by saying, "We're 33 years old today. We've been together for 33 years." Me and my type 1 diabetes. I wrote for a long time, and before writing and thought about this text. I was thinking from one fact to another, from one emotion to another. There was shame, anger, fatigue, pride, and gratitude. This is a story about the part of my life that dictates everything in my life. And of which most of you do not know.
For a long time, the woman did not advertise her problem, because she did not want to be regretted. However, at some point she realized that fear of pity is also not freedom. And she wanted to be free. This is a small but important project.
“I became ill when I was 3 years old. I do not remember this time at all, and life “before” was erased from memory completely. I never knew what was scary in my life. That's how I live. I face my problems and solve them. But each of us has some kind of problem. How am I different? ?
“Diabetes mellitus is not currently a deadly disease, but without strict control of a person’s condition, complications can very quickly lead the patient to the grave.” Recently, for people like me, there are a lot of gadgets that allow you to keep this control almost perfect. It is expensive, but at least it is in nature.
About 10 years ago, we only heard about something like this, and until I was 14, I lived almost without control. The only salvation was a strict diet and a lot of schedule restrictions.
These are daily military operations, hidden, invisible to others, visible only to me now. The war is not with diabetes itself, but with its complications, which can quickly and easily kill me. I mean, a war for life. Mine. Scared? Don't! I haven’t given up in 33 years and I’m not going to. ?
Living with diabetes is a daily struggle with a bunch of rules and restrictions. In fact, there are many such restrictions, prohibitions and things that you just need to get used to. And it is about all these features Anna and told in each photo.
She wrote: I want to show you my limitations that you didn't even know I was healthy, hardworking and very active. I want to reduce my prejudice against people with disabilities. If I manage to break this wall in one person, it will mean that I did not waste my energy in vain.”
This thing on my belt is not the last pager in the world. This is an insulin pump that delivers insulin to the body according to a pre-programmed scheme. It looks like a nice, comfortable car. Without it, I can live, but I can’t sleep and eat. When I press the buttons on it in the cafe, curious teenagers laugh at me with their fists, not hiding. They're not ashamed. Why should it be me?
This beetle on my forearm saved me from a slow death by stopping and even preventing kidney failure. If a person with diabetes does not manage to keep blood glucose levels within certain limits, then the vessels suffer. Eyes, kidneys, brain...
Thanks to the sensor, it is almost always possible to keep glucose levels. Unfortunately, this sensor is also very expensive. Officially, such things cannot be bought in our country, you have to buy from hand”.
Every hour or at least every 2 hours I need something to eat. Eat, like other people, once in the evening I can not: do not withstand the digestive organs, undermined by 33 years of disease. And small portions once an hour or two is quite good. But in the evenings, you can not even do this, the liver will hurt, the pressure will rise and I will not sleep.
When I walk into a supermarket looking for something to eat, I walk out empty-handed. I can't live all day on buns, cookies and coffee. And in the same way, I can't grow 100 acres of potatoes and eat them all winter without spending money on other things. I eat like a movie star or a top model - salads and porridge. Why should I justify myself in front of acquaintances who are almost trying to forcefully feed me “goodies”? ?
“And this is a glucose meter. No, it's not a glitches meter. It measures blood glucose levels. Even though I have my bug, it needs to be calibrated daily and checked periodically. That's what a glucose meter is for.
Often, I need to do the analysis right on the go. I usually look for a secluded place for this, run into the entrance and, like a bully, hide between the floors. Otherwise, people are staring. I don't care now! Let them stare. Maybe they will learn something new in life.”
Thanks to Anna, we know what it is. diabetes And it's not just sick people. And we learned that we should not be ashamed of this problem, to hide it. You must have the courage to be free!
The number of people suffering from diabetes is increasing every day. No one is immune, but everyone can notice the early signs of diabetes. Take care of yourself and your health!

Recently we came across the story of a beautiful and courageous woman Anna Molodtsova, who has been living with diabetes for 33 years. She made her mini-project in which she spoke candidly about her life with the disease and all the difficulties she faces every day. Wonderful photos for the project was made by Olga Ivanchenko.

Today. "Site" I want to share with you the story and photos of this brave woman that struck us to the core.
Anna is a young, beautiful and energetic woman. She doesn't sit around, she always does something. She has her own cozy gift shop, where you can find cute and necessary things for home. She doesn't need pity, she doesn't ask for help, she just wants to tell her story and let her go into the world. And that's exactly what her project is for.
Anna begins by saying, "We're 33 years old today. We've been together for 33 years." Me and my type 1 diabetes. I wrote for a long time, and before writing and thought about this text. I was thinking from one fact to another, from one emotion to another. There was shame, anger, fatigue, pride, and gratitude. This is a story about the part of my life that dictates everything in my life. And of which most of you do not know.

For a long time, the woman did not advertise her problem, because she did not want to be regretted. However, at some point she realized that fear of pity is also not freedom. And she wanted to be free. This is a small but important project.
“I became ill when I was 3 years old. I do not remember this time at all, and life “before” was erased from memory completely. I never knew what was scary in my life. That's how I live. I face my problems and solve them. But each of us has some kind of problem. How am I different? ?

“Diabetes mellitus is not currently a deadly disease, but without strict control of a person’s condition, complications can very quickly lead the patient to the grave.” Recently, for people like me, there are a lot of gadgets that allow you to keep this control almost perfect. It is expensive, but at least it is in nature.
About 10 years ago, we only heard about something like this, and until I was 14, I lived almost without control. The only salvation was a strict diet and a lot of schedule restrictions.
These are daily military operations, hidden, invisible to others, visible only to me now. The war is not with diabetes itself, but with its complications, which can quickly and easily kill me. I mean, a war for life. Mine. Scared? Don't! I haven’t given up in 33 years and I’m not going to. ?

Living with diabetes is a daily struggle with a bunch of rules and restrictions. In fact, there are many such restrictions, prohibitions and things that you just need to get used to. And it is about all these features Anna and told in each photo.
She wrote: I want to show you my limitations that you didn't even know I was healthy, hardworking and very active. I want to reduce my prejudice against people with disabilities. If I manage to break this wall in one person, it will mean that I did not waste my energy in vain.”

This thing on my belt is not the last pager in the world. This is an insulin pump that delivers insulin to the body according to a pre-programmed scheme. It looks like a nice, comfortable car. Without it, I can live, but I can’t sleep and eat. When I press the buttons on it in the cafe, curious teenagers laugh at me with their fists, not hiding. They're not ashamed. Why should it be me?

This beetle on my forearm saved me from a slow death by stopping and even preventing kidney failure. If a person with diabetes does not manage to keep blood glucose levels within certain limits, then the vessels suffer. Eyes, kidneys, brain...
Thanks to the sensor, it is almost always possible to keep glucose levels. Unfortunately, this sensor is also very expensive. Officially, such things cannot be bought in our country, you have to buy from hand”.

Every hour or at least every 2 hours I need something to eat. Eat, like other people, once in the evening I can not: do not withstand the digestive organs, undermined by 33 years of disease. And small portions once an hour or two is quite good. But in the evenings, you can not even do this, the liver will hurt, the pressure will rise and I will not sleep.
When I walk into a supermarket looking for something to eat, I walk out empty-handed. I can't live all day on buns, cookies and coffee. And in the same way, I can't grow 100 acres of potatoes and eat them all winter without spending money on other things. I eat like a movie star or a top model - salads and porridge. Why should I justify myself in front of acquaintances who are almost trying to forcefully feed me “goodies”? ?

“And this is a glucose meter. No, it's not a glitches meter. It measures blood glucose levels. Even though I have my bug, it needs to be calibrated daily and checked periodically. That's what a glucose meter is for.
Often, I need to do the analysis right on the go. I usually look for a secluded place for this, run into the entrance and, like a bully, hide between the floors. Otherwise, people are staring. I don't care now! Let them stare. Maybe they will learn something new in life.”

Thanks to Anna, we know what it is. diabetes And it's not just sick people. And we learned that we should not be ashamed of this problem, to hide it. You must have the courage to be free!
The number of people suffering from diabetes is increasing every day. No one is immune, but everyone can notice the early signs of diabetes. Take care of yourself and your health!