Secrets of happiness during remarriage

Getting married is a simple matter, but building a happy harmonious family is much more difficult. Often in life it happens that the first pancake coma and, having survived the divorce and a lot of suffering associated with it, women are ready to enter into a new relationship or even a new relationship. marryBut the feeling of anxiety for the wealth of the new family does not leave.

This is a natural reaction to life experiences, and at this point it is important to properly evaluate these experiences. According to statistics, most often people divorce before 5 years of living together or after 10-15 years. We'll talk about the second one today.


But whether the second marriage will be happy, the question is controversial. After all, it is not enough to find a new husband, especially for a woman who already has children, her habits and longing for the lost years of youth in her first marriage. Editorial "Site" It tells you the observations of psychologists, as well as how to prepare yourself for a new relationship so that you do not have to marry a third time.

Life shows that most people tend to repeat in subsequent marriages the mistakes made in the first case, and thus turn their personal life into a cycle consisting of falling in love, unconsciously creating a problem, inability to solve it and, as a result, the breakup of relationships. Experts in the field of family relations concluded that almost all divorced people, regardless of gender and age, chose a new spouse with the same set of qualities with whom they broke up.

DepositPhotos So the First Thing to Do Before marriageWork through all your psychological blocks. Think about what contributed to the choice of your first husband: the image of your father, his absence, the prototype of unrequited youthful love, self-doubt, the labels of society ... Once you regain your value and start looking at suitors, thinking about yourself first, it will be easier.

Difficulties lie in wait for us after we met our love, successfully completed the candy and bouquet period of the relationship and began building a long-term relationship. Children play a major role in developing new relationships. In any case, even the most painless, it is difficult for children to accept our new second halves. And so even the most educated and intelligent children on both sides can accidentally play a negative role.

If children are adults and live separately, then psychologists advise not to let them into their personal lives for a while. Let them know when they see you happy. But for children of adolescence need an eye and an eye. Talk to your child and in no case do not let him close himself. The groom can wait, so it is important to explain without scandals and tantrums and clearly show children that a new relationship will bring only good to your family.

The Achilles heel of the relationship in the second marriage, as well as in the first, is the material side. Most domestic men have a modest income. In addition, it is important to understand that he may have children from previous marriages who need to help financially, as well as an ex-wife who most likely got an apartment during a divorce. Therefore, very often men come to the territory of women.

There are men with high incomes. But do not build illusions, thinking that next to you a husband aged 40+ will suddenly become a millionaire. Therefore, all financial issues and nuances adults should specify before the beginning of life together.

And finally, the only thing that can make a second marriage happy, given that you do not have children together, is a common cause. It can be a house in the village that you want to bring to mind together. It can also be travel, social activities, business. Anything but what you and he like. Love quickly subsides, and without a common cause in a well-maintained city apartment, boredom inevitably settles.

A common cause, a long-term interesting life project is the best platform for family happiness. This is what is missed in youth, blinded by passion, and what is forgotten in older age, when immersed in everyday problems. So, whether the marriage will be happy depends only on the mutual efforts of the spouses.

We also talked about how to prepare ourselves for a new relationship.

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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