How to cook khichins with cheese and potatoes

The other day, my uncle had a family meal and cooked a very unusual dish, which he learned about while serving in the army. He said that this is the national dish of Karachai and Balkarians called "Khychiny". These are thin tortillas, most often with filling from potatoes and cheese.

“It should be noted that kefir They turn out to be much more satisfying than traditional flatbreads of Balkars, for which dough is prepared only from flour, water and salt, the uncle shared his thoughts during the meal.

Editorial "Site" I have already prepared a step-by-step instruction for anyone who wants to know. how to cook chins with the most delicious stuffing.

Cheese and Potato Ingredients
  • 1l kefir
  • 1kg flour
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 500g potatoes
  • 500g brynza or fatty cottage cheese
  • 150g butter
  • salt
  • bundle of greens (dull, parsley)

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and let them boil in uniforms. While the potatoes are boiling, do the dough. In a deep bowl mix kefir, salt and soda.

  2. Then gradually add sifted flour, stirring the dough until thickened.

  3. Then mix the dough for 5-10 minutes. The longer you mix the dough, the softer it will turn out.

  4. After finishing the dough, form a ball, cover it with a kitchen towel and leave it to stand on the table for 30 minutes.

  5. Boiled potatoes peel and sodium on a small grater with straw.

  6. The cheese is also rubbed on the grater or cut with a fork.

  7. Grind the greens and mix them with potatoes and cheese, adding salt.

  8. Once again, mix the dough a little and divide it into 12 equal parts, form balls from them and divide the filling also into 12 parts.

  9. Roll out each ball and put the filling in the middle. Connect the edges and crush the hits with your hand, and then gently roll the roller into a thin flatbread about 3-5 mm thick.

  10. Roast the cakes in a heated dry pan until the ruddy crust appears.

  11. Hot chicks on both sides are abundantly lubricated with butter.

Now you know what you can make from cheese and potatoes to surprise your loved ones with your culinary abilities.

Tell your friends how to make delicious chins according to a special recipe!


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