Why eat eggs for breakfast

There are many opinions about how necessary breakfast is, and countless arguments for and against it. Among all the arguments about the benefits of eating in the morning, I was most interested and seemed the most convincing story of Elena Pyatibrat.

Previously edited "Site" I have already written about what time to start breakfast. Today, we also want to tell you about what to cook. delicious and simple breakfast Elena Pyatibrat.

What to cook for breakfast According to many nutritionists, breakfast-time A person needs to meet one-third of their food needs for the whole day. Elena Pyatibrat notes that the original scrambled eggs for a hearty breakfast is the best option of all, which allows you to satisfy hunger just as much as it is required by the body in the morning.

To the glaze of 2-3 eggs, a woman adds 100 g of chickpeas, 100 g of vegetable mixture and 3 slices of baguette. Chickpeas can be safely replaced by another type of legumes, and baguette whole grain bread or lavash.

You can cook eggs, of course, in any other way, it is not necessary to fry the glaze. You can cook them softly or make an omelet. Chickpeas should be pre-boiled, and vegetables can be slightly fried, adding a few drops of vegetable oil.

It is these products that allow you to feel full for a long time and provide the body with the necessary amount of energy until the next meal. This type of breakfast is rich in proteins, which are necessary for better awakening and further functioning of the body.

This breakfast is suitable even for those who want to lose weight. Do not worry that the portion is quite large. Experts say: “Morning calories are never converted to fat, and consumed without a remainder.” In addition, having a good breakfast, you will discourage yourself from eating something sweet throughout the day and save your body in good shape.

Among other things, morning meals are extremely necessary for better concentration and memorization of information. Without enough nutrients, the brain will do its normal job two to three times slower than normal.

Breakfast is also a reliable shield against stress and the best protector of immunity.

And besides, what better to cheer up in the morning and set up for a working day than a delicious and hearty breakfast?


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