How self-esteem and the ability to love are related

Why don’t all women have a personal life? Men are dating, not the ones. They don't get along well. And the decent ones don't pay attention.

There is a theory that we meet exactly those who already inhabit our subconscious. First we draw a person in our imagination, often subconsciously, and then we see him in reality.

If someone has not yet met a loving man, you should look into yourself, maybe there is something not ready to meet him.

DepositPhotos How to Attract Love
  1. Your inner drawing is not clear enough.
    Send a clear request to the Universe to help you. Think about what your man should look like: hair color, height, weight. What temperament can he have, what hobbies, occupation and social status. An image must be created in the head. How to attract the love of a man? Evaluate how ready you are to meet him, think about whether the man you painted in your imagination will pay attention to you. And strive to conform to that image.



  2. Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem
    This is another problem that interferes with relationships. If you think you're not worthy of love, you probably won't create a family. Low self-esteem is expressed in three ways. First, when a woman tries to please the first person she meets. She doesn't love herself, she doesn't respect herself. Then, reflecting the reaction, and the man does not appreciate it.

    In the second case, a woman shows aggression to the world around her, especially to more fortunate ladies. “Why does she have everything and I have nothing?” – this negative attitude is felt and repulsive.

    Also, underestimation manifests itself through resentment. Maybe the man didn’t mean anything wrong, and the woman was already offended. Because she expects a bad attitude and is used to feeling sorry for herself.



  3. Lack of courage
    How to Attract Love in Your Life? It’s not about inviting you to a cafe and calling you to the movies first. We are talking about nonverbal and verbal signs of attention and sympathy. At least you can smile at a man so that he understands that they are close to him. Women who do not show their emotions appear arrogant or cold. No one knows they are just embarrassed.


  4. Category
    Don't push men away. If a man does not dare to propose to you, make a gift, invite somewhere, this is not a reason to push him away. Even if you know exactly what you want, and he doesn’t do it without hurting himself, let him be in your circle. You do not need to be categorical and immediately erase from life for any discrepancy. So you will not accumulate negativity towards men, be disappointed in them. Let them do what they are capable of and remain your fans or friends. The more fans a woman has, the more they become.

  5. Excessive sensitivity
    When a woman asks nothing, a man thinks she doesn’t need anything. In this sense, it is simple and straightforward. If a man offers you his services, do not rush to refuse, fearing to hinder him. Men feel strong and wealthy when they solve women’s problems.

    The more care, vitality, time, tenderness, money they invest in a woman, the more they value her.

    It is better to voice all your requests before the wedding, than then turn from a delicate modest to a demanding woman and sprinkle reproaches.

  6. Be self-sufficient
    “You live your life and I live yours. And when you leave, your life goes on, and I’m finished, a phrase from the film perfectly demonstrates what happens when there is no self-sufficiency. When a woman ceases to be passionate about a person who has various interests, occupations, work, friends, she begins to concentrate on the relationship and destroy it. For example, call a man too often, distracting from business, arrange scenes of jealousy, blame your bad mood.


If a man doesn’t want to be with you, he’s not your man. You can not hold on to it for fear of being alone.

If a woman respects the male race and each man in particular, he will meet the one with whom everything will work out. If she thinks that all men are bad because of one thing, then a decent man considers this information and will not appear on the horizon.


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