How to Make Homemade Pate

Pate is an appetizer, without which in our family can not do any feast. There's always a bit of that sweet snack in our fridge. We all like to eat a sandwich with pate for breakfast or lunch. Everyone likes to experiment, I like to experiment.

So now I have as many as 5 recipes for homemade pate for every taste. Editorial "Site" tells you, pateTo please everyone.

How to Prepare Classic Ingredients
  • 500g beef liver
  • 100g spike
  • 100g butter
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 bulbs

The recipe for classic paste from the liver should be in the cookbook of every housewife, we are sure of this. If it's still not, then write it down. So, finely chop the onions and carrots, roast them in a pan with a spike. Cut the liver in slices and add to the vegetables. Roast until ready, do not forget to salt and pepper.

After preparation, cool the liver and vegetables. Then pass through the grinder twice or grind in a blender. Now add the butter, mix it up. Cool it and you can serve it to the table.

French Ingredients
  • 2 bulbs
  • 5 eggs
  • 200g ground beef
  • 300g pork mince
  • green
  • salt and spice

Cooking 4 eggs hard-boiled and leave until cooling. Grind the onions and greens. Separately in a bowl beat the remaining egg. Pair it with meat, onions, parsley and spices. Stir it all together. Put the finished mince in a baking mold lined with parchment. First lay out half, then make small indentations and lay whole peeled eggs on top of the mince. Put the leftover mince on top.

Put a couple of bay leaves on top and a piece of butter. Bake the pate for 20 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees. It tastes better when it's cool. You can serve both for dinner and for the festive table.

From tongue with brynza Ingredients
  • 800g boiled pork tongue
  • 100 ml cream 33% fat
  • 150g brynx
  • butter

Cooking Boiled and purified tongue, brynzu and cream shredded to the consistency of the paste. Cut the butter in small cubes, microwave it and collect the foam from it. Molten butter pour pate, you can sprinkle everything on top. Let me cool down and send the pate to the fridge. Serve with black bread or pickles.

Fish ingredients
  • 1 fresh mackerel
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 100 ml cream 33% fat
  • orange

Cleaned and gutted mackerel start with slices of orange. Bake the fish in foil until ready. Then stretch it with a fork, add the grated orange peel and mix well. Put it all through the blender.

Separately roast the onions and carrots, adding your favorite spices. Carcases until the liquid evaporates halfway. Put the vegetables through the blender. Add the vegetable puree to the pâté and mix well. Separately whip the cream and add it to the pâté. Now everything is ready, the most delicate snack can be served to the table.

With apples Ingredients
  • 300g chicken liver
  • 1 bulb
  • 50g butter
  • 1 apple

Preparation is probably the easiest and pate of all. Roast the onion in the pan, then add the sliced liver to it. Hot till ready. Sod the apple on a fine grater and add to the liver. Also add butter and mascara until soft. Then grind everything in a blender and let it cool. Pate ready!

As you can see, pate is a very diverse dish. Recipes can be found a huge variety, just to connect the imagination. Hopefully, these simple recipes will find a place in your cookbook. Which of the five pâtés did you like the most?


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