Quality starter for yogurt that meets European standards

One of the most popular milk drinks has long been yogurt. However, in some cases, for a number of reasons, it does not always contain those useful elements that ensure its popularity. An excellent alternative to the store product, completely eliminating any deviations from European medical standards, is homemade yogurt, prepared on the basis of Good Food starters, offered by the portal https://goodfood.ua/en/ and differing:
- a passport from the European Bank of Strains, which guarantees the identity of the probiotic cultures from which they are made, to the human microflora;
- usefulness, repeatedly confirmed by world studies;
- high therapeutic effect.

Why is he so popular?
Fans of homemade yogurt, who have repeatedly used Good Food starters for its preparation according to the recipes of the site https://goodfood.ua/en/zakvaski/zakvaska-jogurt/, were convinced of:
- the naturalness of the resulting product, the content of only milk and beneficial bacteria;
- the presence in only 250 ml of the product of an extensive list of vitamins (about 15) and minerals (more than 5 main), strengthening the immune system and nerves, improving brain function, strengthening the skeleton and rejuvenating the skin;
- multifunctionality of the product - yogurt can be a light dessert, and dressing for salad, and hearty snack, and ice cream (when it is frozen). Due to the delicate creamy taste with a slightly felt sourness, dense and thick consistency, it is perfectly combined not only with honey and fruits, nuts and biscuits, but also with pepper, salt, various salinities;
- additional enrichment with acidophilic bacteria, providing: rapid receipt of the product, improvement of digestion and immunity, neutralization of the carcinogenic effects of other food.
Easy to manufacture
One of the advantages of Good Food is the ease of making yogurt based on it. Going to the page of the company portal https://goodfood.ua/en/kak-sdelat-jogurt-v-jogurtnitse/, any user will get acquainted with the product manufacturing algorithm, consisting in:
- heating milk (1-3 liters) to a temperature of +42 ° C;
- adding starter to milk and stirring the resulting mixture, fermenting it in yogurt cups;
- check the readiness of yogurt for its consistency, additional fermentation in case of insufficient density;
- cooling (if necessary) the resulting yogurt in the refrigerator.
Another, and quite important, advantage of Good Food products is their economy - with the same starter procedure can be repeated without losing its useful properties, three times.

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