Prepare a USEFUL UNLEAVENED homemade bread
For the dough we need:
For the dough you need:
Prepare the yeast:
Take 0.5 liters of water (can do half portions on trial), bring to a boil, in boiling water, put 3 tablespoons of hop cones (dry or fresh).
Boil on slow heat for 15 minutes, then strain the broth, cool to 40 ° C, add a teaspoon of honey.
Then add the flour, kneading until the consistency of thick cream, and put in a warm place for souring for a day or two (preferably sourdough has matured at a temperature of about 30 degrees).
All this time the yeast do not touch, do not interfere, just observe — it will rise by 1.5-2 times, the bubbles will appear. This means that she is ready.
Remove the starter from the heat and put in a cold place. In the fridge, my sourdough is stored in a glass jar with a cloth "cover" for two weeks. Over time, it gets the smell of bluff, but the bread is not affected.
Before use, the starter should definitely mix well. Good starter not only for bread, but also for any baked goods.
Prepare the sourdough:
The kneading of the dough is made in enamelware.
Take 4 tablespoons of ready-made yeast, 200 ml of warm water, knead with flour (I always add about half the bran with white flour) until a thick cream.
Water can whisper kind words, wishes of health to everyone and their mother is positive for the test.
Wrap it up the dough, put in heat for 6 hours or more (overnight) to rise.
Prepare the dough:
Take approaching the dough, add the remaining 800 ml of warm water, stir, add flour until the consistency of thick cream (again, with bran), and again placed in heat for 4 hours or more (sometimes I also leave at night). The dough should rise about twice.
After standing and wskazania dough, add more flour and knead, adding 1-2 tablespoons of natural vegetable oils without additives until soft dough state. Add also salt, spices and our "fillers".
Last time put the dough in a heat for 40-60 minutes to rise.
After that put it into the form, greased with vegetable oil and finally put in the oven or the oven! Bake at 175-200 degrees for about 60 minutes. How to bake immediately not to cut, allow to cool.
Kneading dough has a deep sense of the sacred. Flour, water, salt and spices — is the relationship of spouses, relatives and their children. The longer and better they mix, the stronger will be the family and close-knit relationship. If knead poorly, then deep communication will not, and family members will be every man for himself. The woman must put all your love and care in the process of kneading the dough. So it generates a space of happiness for your family. The flour represents the star Sol, the sun, spices — favorable qualities of the planets, and the finished dish star trek family.
Despite the fact that bread made with all stages for almost a day, your participation in this process is almost not needed! You need only a couple of times to mix the ingredients and then enjoy the most delicious, most fresh and healthy bread. published
Cook with love!
Bon appetit!
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: green-cook.ru/?q=node/23030
- 3 tablespoons of knobs of hops
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 0.5 liters of water,
- a little bit of flour.
For the dough you need:
- 4 tbsp leaven (the above portions will be enough for at least 7-8 passes of baking, with sourdough kept in the fridge, there's no need to feed, and over time it lifts the bread even better)
- 1 liter of water,
- flour (approximately, but not less than 1.5 kg),
- 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil without additives, unrefined
- 1-2 pinches salt
- "additive": raisins, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, spices... (whatever you think).

Prepare the yeast:
Take 0.5 liters of water (can do half portions on trial), bring to a boil, in boiling water, put 3 tablespoons of hop cones (dry or fresh).
Boil on slow heat for 15 minutes, then strain the broth, cool to 40 ° C, add a teaspoon of honey.
Then add the flour, kneading until the consistency of thick cream, and put in a warm place for souring for a day or two (preferably sourdough has matured at a temperature of about 30 degrees).
All this time the yeast do not touch, do not interfere, just observe — it will rise by 1.5-2 times, the bubbles will appear. This means that she is ready.
Remove the starter from the heat and put in a cold place. In the fridge, my sourdough is stored in a glass jar with a cloth "cover" for two weeks. Over time, it gets the smell of bluff, but the bread is not affected.
Before use, the starter should definitely mix well. Good starter not only for bread, but also for any baked goods.
Prepare the sourdough:
The kneading of the dough is made in enamelware.
Take 4 tablespoons of ready-made yeast, 200 ml of warm water, knead with flour (I always add about half the bran with white flour) until a thick cream.
Water can whisper kind words, wishes of health to everyone and their mother is positive for the test.
Wrap it up the dough, put in heat for 6 hours or more (overnight) to rise.
Prepare the dough:
Take approaching the dough, add the remaining 800 ml of warm water, stir, add flour until the consistency of thick cream (again, with bran), and again placed in heat for 4 hours or more (sometimes I also leave at night). The dough should rise about twice.
After standing and wskazania dough, add more flour and knead, adding 1-2 tablespoons of natural vegetable oils without additives until soft dough state. Add also salt, spices and our "fillers".
Last time put the dough in a heat for 40-60 minutes to rise.
After that put it into the form, greased with vegetable oil and finally put in the oven or the oven! Bake at 175-200 degrees for about 60 minutes. How to bake immediately not to cut, allow to cool.
Kneading dough has a deep sense of the sacred. Flour, water, salt and spices — is the relationship of spouses, relatives and their children. The longer and better they mix, the stronger will be the family and close-knit relationship. If knead poorly, then deep communication will not, and family members will be every man for himself. The woman must put all your love and care in the process of kneading the dough. So it generates a space of happiness for your family. The flour represents the star Sol, the sun, spices — favorable qualities of the planets, and the finished dish star trek family.
Despite the fact that bread made with all stages for almost a day, your participation in this process is almost not needed! You need only a couple of times to mix the ingredients and then enjoy the most delicious, most fresh and healthy bread. published
Cook with love!
Bon appetit!
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: green-cook.ru/?q=node/23030
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