How to prepare Georgian churchkhela so that it turns out soft, not dry

How churchelI want it to be as tasty as the Georgians who treated me to this sweet in Sochi, and that the delicacy was natural and useful, Yulia Smol knows. It is her recipe I use when cooking churchkhela at home.

Churkkhela provides nuts covered with fruit mass. In the traditional version, grape juice is used, but I have pomegranate, it turns out not worse. As nuts, you can take hazelnut, walnut or almond.

How to cook churchhela Today edition "Site" Share the preparation instructions homemade churchhela. It still remains my favorite treat from childhood!

The ingredients
  • 1l natural juice
  • 150g wheat flour
  • 250g nuts
  • sugar

  1. In a pot with a thick bottom, a drink of 300-400 ml of juice (better natural, without sugar) and a sprinkle of flour (better whole grain). Stir the wreath to uniformity. When the mass becomes homogeneous, without lumps of flour pour the remaining juice, also add sugar. Stir it well.

  2. Cook on medium heat until boiling, stirring constantly. Then after boiling, boil for another 10 minutes, also stirring constantly. Leave the mass to cool slightly. And please cover it with a lid so it doesn't form a film.

  3. Dry the nuts in the oven. Take the needle and thread. Make a loop at the end of the thread. String the nuts on a thread and at the end also make a loop. And do not forget to leave a long edge of the thread so that it is convenient to hang churchhela for drying.

  4. A little chilled. pomegranate Pour some honey and stir. Next, drop our nut blanks into the mass. Just know if the mass is cold, it won't stick to the nuts. I usually dip them in the syrup twice. Let the pomegranate mass drain slightly into the pan. The fruit layer should be sufficiently dense and opaque, since when drying it can greatly decrease in size.

  5. After this procedure, they must be hung for drying. It could take a couple of days. Depends on the thickness of the flour layer. You can dry in the oven or simply hanging on a thread at home.

  6. Ready churchhela is better. containerize Or sealed in a bag. The treat is considered completely ready only after the sugar is on the surface. Bon appetit!

And to get more detailed with the recipe, watch the video with cook-channel Julia Small. All her recipes come out the first time!


I also offer to talk a little about rest in Sochi, count every penny. For those who have never come here, there is something to see!

Now you know how to cook. churchhelu. I know many people love this dessert for a reason.

By the way, this is a great alternative to boring sweets, besides a useful sweetness, which is not unimportant. It is better to teach children such sweets. All I'd eat is that. Do you like churchhela?


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