She rushed wild boar for strawberries, dried pastile, there will be a royal treat for grandchildren.
The strawberry season is coming to an end. Everyone who wanted to, has long enjoyed the taste of this sweet and truly summer berry. Sour cream, sugar, whipped cream. Mmm, delicious! But there is another way to prepare it. Strawberry pastilLadies and gentlemen!
The most interesting thing is that even the most shabby and unattractive berries will be suitable for making pastiles. Those who do not want to eat fresh. But for such a recipe, it is very important to have a dehydrator. Or, popularly, dryers for vegetables and fruits. Although modern ovens can already produce very low temperatures.
Strawberry paste Ingredients
Instead of sugar, you can add honey to make your pastil as useful as possible. You see, it's basically the same fruit that was stripped of all the water. This low temperature does not affect strawberries negatively. That is, all its useful qualities are preserved.
Vitamins, minerals, fiber. It's all in the pastille! For children, this amazing sweetness is very suitable. Just roll the finished pastile into a tube and cut into 4-5 pieces. Inside, you can pre-put a fresh berry of the same strawberries. And that's all, wonderful natural candy ready.
To anyone who wants to see the details of the recipe, enjoy your visit!

The most interesting thing is that even the most shabby and unattractive berries will be suitable for making pastiles. Those who do not want to eat fresh. But for such a recipe, it is very important to have a dehydrator. Or, popularly, dryers for vegetables and fruits. Although modern ovens can already produce very low temperatures.
Strawberry paste Ingredients
- 1kg strawberries
- sugar
- banana
- sunflower
- The recipe is as simple as two pennies. Nevertheless, the result is excellent. Take strawberries, wash them and separate the green parts from the berries. We won't need them. Now turn strawberries into purees. If you use a submersible blender, you will need to try, because the resulting mass should be as uniform as possible.
- Now it all depends on the original sweetness of the berries. If strawberries are not sweet enough, add some sugar. Otherwise, leave it as it is. We do not need aroma enhancers, because the strawberry smell is good in itself.
- Peel the banana, purify and add to the strawberry mass. You don't have to do that. But in this way, first, we will increase the amount of future pastiles. And secondly, let's taste a little better. Strawberries with bananas are a popular and very successful combination.
- It's a matter of little. Lubricate the pastille pallets with vegetable oil. No smell. It should serve only as a substance separating the lozenge from the pallet surface. Taste and smell are not important. Carefully place the mashed potatoes on the pallets and level them. Set the temperature at 50 degrees, and you need 10 hours exactly. At the end of this time, you will get your delicious and natural pastille.
Instead of sugar, you can add honey to make your pastil as useful as possible. You see, it's basically the same fruit that was stripped of all the water. This low temperature does not affect strawberries negatively. That is, all its useful qualities are preserved.

Vitamins, minerals, fiber. It's all in the pastille! For children, this amazing sweetness is very suitable. Just roll the finished pastile into a tube and cut into 4-5 pieces. Inside, you can pre-put a fresh berry of the same strawberries. And that's all, wonderful natural candy ready.
To anyone who wants to see the details of the recipe, enjoy your visit!
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