A huge cheesecake on science Olga Matvey

Simple cottage cheese cake in the ovenTo feed at least twenty people! No special difficulties and skills does not require, but it turns out very tasty and satisfying. It remains only to prepare simple ingredients and a bowl measuring 40 by 40 centimeters. We'll do science.

The expert will be Olga Matvey, whose confectionery creativity was very loved by the editorial staff. "Site". For the fact that the recipes are always clear, simple and accessible to everyone! Let’s not say that the child could cope, but sometimes it seems that it really is!

A simple cheesecake in the oven Ingredients
  • 140g butter
  • 300g flour
  • 140g powdered sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1kg cottage cheese
  • 3 eggs in cottage cheese
  • 240g powdered sugar in cottage cheese
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 750 ml of milk
  • 2 bags of pudding

Simple cottage cheese cake in the oven
  1. Let's make the dough! Put two eggs in a convenient container and mix with powdered sugar and melted butter, mix everything thoroughly. This can be done simply with a spoon without the help of a blender or mixer.

Now we need to add flour. But before that, you should mix it with baking powder. Stir everything in a container, and then lay the dough on the table. It is necessary to ensure that all the flour is “eat”. I might have to add a little more. The dough should not stick to the hands. Distribute the dough on a sheet of parchment that is already spread out on the baking ground. You should have a base with small sides. Don’t be afraid if it seems too thin, that’s okay. It's the curd's turn. Put three eggs in the cottage cheese, add powdered sugar, lemon juice, milk and pudding. Get a good blender. Now pour the finished filling directly into the center of the razor on the base. It can be stretched a little to the sides.

The oven should already be heated to 180 degrees Celsius, the cake will be baked for about 30-40 minutes. It is important to make sure that the top does not burn. In this case, the temperature is better to reduce a little. Done!

From the editorial board, powdered sugar can be replaced with sugar, and pudding can be taken by anyone. For special spiciness, you can add a little dried apricot or raisins to the cottage cheese, it will turn out very great! Olga Matvey claims that the cake will feel great for at least a week, so you can feast on the whole family for several days without problems. Look at her. filmmakerTo make sure you don't miss anything!


Simple cottage cheese cake in the oven Make it easy and easy! The wife, by the way, as soon as she took it out of the oven, immediately poured chocolate. It was delicious! See another recipe for chocolate nut cake. Bon appetit!


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