I learned to cook pigeons with squarks, they turn out tastier than meat.

How to fry lard in a pan to make delicious squarks? What mistakes should be avoided and why store babe obtained during the preparation of fries? That's what we're going to talk about today!

And at the end of the article you are waiting for the video version of the recipe. If you do not have time to read, just go to the viewing!

How to fry lard Ingredients
  • 1 kg of lard
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • chili

  1. First of all, thoroughly wash the lard under running water and dry with paper towels. And then we cut it in small pieces. Usually housewives advise to remove the skin, because in the process of cooking it hardens strongly. It is worth following their example if you are going to add squarks to a roast or make pate from them.

    If the squarks are fried as a snack, with crispy skins they will only taste better.

  2. Sliced pieces of fat are mixed with salt and bay leaf. If desired, you can also add black ground pepper or garlic to give the roasters spiciness. After that, we lay out the fat in the pan and start frying on a large fire.

  3. In the process of frying, fat will be melted from the fat. Our task is to make sure that pieces of lard do not swim in it for too long. So the squarks must be constantly stirred and scooped out excess fat. By the way, fat can also be useful in the future. So it would be a big mistake to just get rid of it.

    Lard can be used instead of sunflower oil for frying or make homemade pate on its basis. So scoop out the fat should be in a separate clean pan.

  4. When the first batch of quarks turns a little brown, reduce the fire to the average. You can immediately add raw pieces of lard from the next batch to the pan and fry everything together. 461383

  5. When the squarks dry enough and roar, you can remove them from the fire. Part of the ready-made quarks are laid out on a plate and with pleasure crunch the resulting deliciousness. And the remains of the roasters are cooled, poured into a container (or can) and stored in the refrigerator.

Golden squarks can be served with boiled young potatoes, dumplings, doves or pranks. Can you tell me what dishes you use most often?

The video version of the recipe is usually left here.


Bon appetit!


See also

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