How to distinguish tasty fat from bitter with a match
Pork lard is a delicious and useful product, it is baked, smoked, salted, fried and added to various dishes. Modern official medicine has recognized the benefits of lard for people of any age.
Moreover, nutritionists are sure that fat is more useful than meat, and it is absorbed more easily. Therefore, many will be interested in learning how to choose lard, what to pay attention to and what are the quality indicators of lard.
Salo refers to those products that are better to choose in the market, because it is there that you can walk through the ranks and buy the best and most delicious fresh lard. To choose a good soft fat, you should pay attention to some features.
How to choose lard, not everyone knows. This video will give some recommendations that will help you choose the right lard for salting.
Traditional medicine suggests using lard to treat many diseases: joint pain, improving their mobility during injuries, weeping eczema, toothache and mastitis, treatment of heel spurs and even a hangover. By the way, the combination of pork salted fat with vegetables is an effective diet.
Knowing how to choose lard in the market, you can always buy only quality and lard with great taste.
If you want smoked lard, but there is no desire to smoke at all, there is one secret: we cook lard in onion husks with prunes! Salo is exactly smoked, no chemistry, only natural ingredients.
There are many legends about the dangers of lard, which often scare people who love this product. "Site" He understood all the subtleties of the issue and dispelled most myths.

Moreover, nutritionists are sure that fat is more useful than meat, and it is absorbed more easily. Therefore, many will be interested in learning how to choose lard, what to pay attention to and what are the quality indicators of lard.
Salo refers to those products that are better to choose in the market, because it is there that you can walk through the ranks and buy the best and most delicious fresh lard. To choose a good soft fat, you should pay attention to some features.
- Place of choice and origin of the product
Salo is better to buy in the markets. Only then can you try it, talk about the history of the product.
It is better to buy from the direct owner of the pig, not from the dealer. If you are lucky enough to find one, you can ask him what the animal ate.
Foodies say that lard becomes tenderer if the pig is regularly added to the feed boiled potatoes and milk, and if her diet was apples, then the lard appears tasty meat layer. Ask the seller for documents on the products and see if there is a mark of the veterinary service on the salad. - Pig or boar?
It is always better to give preference to pig lard, rather than boar, as it does not have an unpleasant smell, is more tender and pleasant to taste.
To check whose fat, you can not just smell it, and slightly scorched. If it smells like urea, it's boar lard. A good product has a delicate aroma, thin with sweet-milk notes. - Which type of fat is better to choose?
The most delicious will be pieces of fat from the side or from the back of a mumps or boar. Such fat will be tender, with a thin skin, suitable for consumption and raw, salty, stewed, and smoked.
The fat from the cheek and neck of the animal will be much tougher, and the skin will be thicker. An excellent culinary solution for such a product is baking or smoking.
Separate conversation about the undercoat (trench) - salad from the abdominal part of the mumps. His skin is usually thin, and the layers of fat evenly alternate with layers of meat.
Raw and salted it may be a little and tough, but in fried, baked or smoked form of underarms will be a delicacy for true connoisseurs of this incomparable product. - Visual examination
Salo should be white or with a slight pink tint. If lard with a noticeable admixture of red, then the mumps were put under the knife during its “wedding” period.
The reddish shade of lard also indicates that the piglet could not be stabbed for a long time, because of which pig blood particles got into lard.
In both cases, the taste of fat will be far from perfect. Know also that fresh lard can not be either yellowish or grayish shades.
There may be layers of meat in the lard. Such lard is good to buy for baking, frying, but in raw or salted form it is better not to use, since it is in this meat layer that bacteria and parasites can be found (they do not survive in simple sebaceous fat).
The optimal thickness of fat is from three to six centimeters. The taste of fat, both smaller and more thick, will not be the same.
The skin of the lard should be without bristles and cleanly scraped. If hairs are still visible on the skin, such lard should not be bought: if the owner of the pig treated the skin so carelessly, then he could also treat the cutting, storage and transportation of the pig carcass.
The color of the skin does not matter, it can be both white and yellowish. If the carcass was treated with fire with the addition of straw, then the color of the skin will be brownish, and the aroma will be completely matchless.
As for the thickness of the skin, there is a rule that works almost always: the thinner the skin. baconIt will be softer and gentler. A thick coat will be hard and hard. - Touch check.
With a knife, a fork, at least with a match, try to pierce a piece of lard. If lard is easily pierced with little resistance, then the product deserves further study.
Similarly, check with a match the skin of lard: it should be a little dense, elastic, but at the same time without problems to pierce.
Touch lard - to the touch it should be greasy, but not sticky, wet, but not slippery. Take the corner with your fingertips. The upper layer from the heat of the fingers will melt a little, and if the lard is hard, with hard veins - you will definitely feel them to the touch.
Run the back of the nail along a piece of lard. If the fat scraped off quite a bit, then it is a bit rigid and you should not stop your choice on it. - Taste
The vast majority of sellers offer to taste lard. Well, don't give up and try. The only thing to pay attention to is the knife with which the seller cuts off a piece of lard for a sample, at least visually should be clean.
A piece of lard is easily chewed and melts in the mouth, tender in consistency and has no foreign aftertaste? Congratulations! You chose the freshest, softest, most delicate and tasty fat!
How to choose lard, not everyone knows. This video will give some recommendations that will help you choose the right lard for salting.
Traditional medicine suggests using lard to treat many diseases: joint pain, improving their mobility during injuries, weeping eczema, toothache and mastitis, treatment of heel spurs and even a hangover. By the way, the combination of pork salted fat with vegetables is an effective diet.

Knowing how to choose lard in the market, you can always buy only quality and lard with great taste.
If you want smoked lard, but there is no desire to smoke at all, there is one secret: we cook lard in onion husks with prunes! Salo is exactly smoked, no chemistry, only natural ingredients.
There are many legends about the dangers of lard, which often scare people who love this product. "Site" He understood all the subtleties of the issue and dispelled most myths.
Experienced housewives cook meat every day, but few people know how harmful meat broth can be.
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