How to salt lard in film

According to doctors, 20 g of fat per day is not only possible, but also necessary! This recommendation of men in my family is fulfilled unconditionally. There's always something in our fridge. loafNot one, but several species. The father-in-law and husband absorb fat at an incredible speed and at the same time look great and feel great.

For a long time I could not bring myself to try lard. Food without heat treatment, and especially animal origin, seems dangerous to me. But my mother-in-law managed to destroy my food complex. To be honest, I still do not eat fresh, only bought lard. The only thing I can not resist is thin spicy slices, salted in a special way. dry-recipe and aged with spices for several days.

There is no simpler way to make a stunningly delicious male snack. salting. And tonight. "Site" It will tell you an unusual recipe that even fastidious eaters will like. I assure you, even a novice hostess will cope (I managed!), and buying a shop spike will not raise the hand any more.


The ingredients
  • 300g pork lard on the skin
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper mixture
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 4 bay leaves

Any kind of pickle will do. lard Or without her. Before cooking, the product must be prepared. According to the rules of dry salting, lard is not washed before salting. Otherwise, it is soaked in water and the taste of the snack will not be as expected.


  1. Carefully clean visible contamination on a piece of lard with a dry towel and even more thoroughly clean the pig skin with a knife. No need to worry about foreign microorganisms, salt kills all harmful bacteria.
  2. In a small container, prepare the mixture for salting. Skip the garlic through the press, add salt, spices and mix well.

  3. Pour plenty of bacon with a mixture of salt and spices. It is very important that the salt is covered. fat. If the piece is large, you can make small incisions and pour salt into them.

  4. Place two bay leaves on top and bottom of the piece and wrap the lard tightly in a food film, bag or foil. On top, remember the fat with your hands again.

  5. Leave the lard to salt for 6-8 hours at room temperature, and then hide in the refrigerator. After 2 days, the fragrant spike is ready. Withstanding salted lard It can take up to two weeks, but is there enough patience? Bon appetit!


To make a homemade spike taste better than a store, one proven recipe is not enough. Salo is a product that is better to buy in the market. And to buy quality, be sure to read our article about the rules for choosing good and soft fat.

Nutritionists and doctors have long debunked the myth about the dangers of lard. Of course, if you eat them every day, it will not be useful, rather the opposite. And healthy people without problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lard will only benefit.


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