It is not for nothing that lard is called the food of centenarians: we preserve a valuable delicacy for the winter
That's it. bacon Every lady must have one. The recipe is really simple, but the taste of the dish it does not worsen. You don't have to do much. Put all the ingredients and fragrant lard with meat streaks in a jar is almost ready. Repeat this dish in your kitchen.
The lard in the jar should have some kind of lard. meat-layer. In this case, the food will be more satisfying. It can even be eaten just like that, or you can supplement the cutting for the festive table. This is perfect. The number of spices is regulated according to your own preferences. But a little spicy for such fat will never be superfluous.
The ingredients
Convenient preparation
Keep in mind that during baking bacon It will shrink in size. If you take too thin lard, there is a risk that it will simply melt and turn into fat. Therefore, for the first time, we recommend choosing lard with a meat layer. In the future, you can adjust some elements of the recipe for yourself and your oven.
Gentle and soft homemade lard Store such lard is best in the refrigerator. But if there is a need to quickly melt the fat, which in any case will be inside, then place the jar in hot water. Fat quickly melts and extract pieces of lard from the jar can be easy and simple. Moreover, such fat can be served not only on a meat plate. You can think of something interesting with it, for example. canapé.
On one sword, collect a piece of black bread, suluguni cheese, a slice of cucumber and top it all with a thin slice of such baked lard. Believe me, this delicious will fly in the first minutes of the feast. We advise you to stock up on these canapes more. And don't forget to serve some delicate sauce suitable for meat and lard. The savor will be amazing.

The lard in the jar should have some kind of lard. meat-layer. In this case, the food will be more satisfying. It can even be eaten just like that, or you can supplement the cutting for the festive table. This is perfect. The number of spices is regulated according to your own preferences. But a little spicy for such fat will never be superfluous.

The ingredients
- 3 kg lard
- 20g salt
- seasoning
- fatty

Convenient preparation
- The salad that you salt, choose to your liking. Perhaps someone prefers a thin fat without meat. Someone likes more cherry, where meat is a decent amount. In general, if you want to do cutting, then there is nowhere without meat elements. And frothy It'll be nice to have some bacon. And nothing else.
- Cut the lard into pieces about 5 cm wide. They should not be too long or too thin. In a separate bowl, mix spices with salt and drop each piece of fat in them.
- Put lard in small cans as tightly as possible. The pieces should fill the entire container. Cover the cans with sunset lids. Place the cans in the oven (do not heat up) and set the temperature of 200 degrees.
- As soon as you notice that baking begins to boil, you need to lower the temperature to 120 degrees and bake for about 1 hour. Then pull out the cans and close them using the rolling key.

Keep in mind that during baking bacon It will shrink in size. If you take too thin lard, there is a risk that it will simply melt and turn into fat. Therefore, for the first time, we recommend choosing lard with a meat layer. In the future, you can adjust some elements of the recipe for yourself and your oven.

Gentle and soft homemade lard Store such lard is best in the refrigerator. But if there is a need to quickly melt the fat, which in any case will be inside, then place the jar in hot water. Fat quickly melts and extract pieces of lard from the jar can be easy and simple. Moreover, such fat can be served not only on a meat plate. You can think of something interesting with it, for example. canapé.

On one sword, collect a piece of black bread, suluguni cheese, a slice of cucumber and top it all with a thin slice of such baked lard. Believe me, this delicious will fly in the first minutes of the feast. We advise you to stock up on these canapes more. And don't forget to serve some delicate sauce suitable for meat and lard. The savor will be amazing.
So that money brings joy, not disappointment, I say a prayer to St. Nicholas.
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