Eighteen-year-old wife after childbirth ran away, left children to his wife and does not regret
“Until the age of 18, I grew up and studied in a boarding school. I had few options to live my life. Fortunately, I met a good man who, after six months of dating, proposed to me, says Anya. But the couple did not look very happy after the wedding. Ani’s husband, after a month of living together, became a completely stranger.
The couple after the wedding "I got married at 18, the groom had his own lodging, so you could say I was lucky." Vitya is 10 years older than me, but this did not interfere with our relationship. Before we met, Victor was married twice. It seemed to me that nothing could destroy our marriage. It wasn't until after the wedding that things changed.
A month later, Vitya began to disappear somewhere in the evenings, stayed for a long time at work, and sometimes did not sleep at home. When I asked him where he was, he said it was none of my business. A few months later, the situation escalated, Vitya began to insist on the birth of a child. I replied that I was not ready for motherhood and wanted to get back on my feet, get a higher education and find a job.
Then Vitya lost his temper and said that my business is to stand at the stove and have children, why did I get married then? I loved Vitya very much and was ready to give birth to a child for him so that he would feel the happiness of fatherhood. A year later, we had twins. While I was pregnant, Vitya carried me in her arms. He became affectionate and calm, but not for long.”
Desperate decision: We had two daughters. My husband started disappearing at night. I didn't know what to think. I found several correspondence with different women on his phone. And then I realized that I got married too early and had children in a hurry. I knew I couldn’t go on like this and decided to get divorced.
At first, I asked to look after the children, wanted to get a specialty and then take the children to myself. I'm totally helpless right now. Vitya threw me out the door and said that I could forget about the children, I will not see them again.
Now I live in a dormitory, studying at a medical university. Everyone I share my story with is judging me, saying I'm a cuckoo mother. How could I have done otherwise? To live with a man who cheats on me or to take the children with you to nowhere? I have no relatives, no friends. Vitya is a good father, I know that the children are warm, fed and dressed. I hope that someday they will forgive me.”
It is said that those who condemn have never faced such a problem. It's hard to imagine what Ana had to go through. Her life didn't go well. It is not only young women who make such mistakes. Was that a mistake? She loved her husband and was ready to do anything for him, but he had few young wife and children, had to walk on the side.
As for Ani, she has her whole life ahead of her. This girl will get anything she wants. She has no perseverance or perseverance. We hope that Anya will come to her goal and in a few years she will be able to explain to her children that she could not do otherwise. She didn't abandon them, so the circumstances were. If Victor had allowed her to see her daughters, it would have been easier for Ana to cope with all the difficulties of seeing her children. But she still has a goal, and we are confident that Anya will be able to regain the trust of her daughters, and everything will get better.

The couple after the wedding "I got married at 18, the groom had his own lodging, so you could say I was lucky." Vitya is 10 years older than me, but this did not interfere with our relationship. Before we met, Victor was married twice. It seemed to me that nothing could destroy our marriage. It wasn't until after the wedding that things changed.

A month later, Vitya began to disappear somewhere in the evenings, stayed for a long time at work, and sometimes did not sleep at home. When I asked him where he was, he said it was none of my business. A few months later, the situation escalated, Vitya began to insist on the birth of a child. I replied that I was not ready for motherhood and wanted to get back on my feet, get a higher education and find a job.

Then Vitya lost his temper and said that my business is to stand at the stove and have children, why did I get married then? I loved Vitya very much and was ready to give birth to a child for him so that he would feel the happiness of fatherhood. A year later, we had twins. While I was pregnant, Vitya carried me in her arms. He became affectionate and calm, but not for long.”

Desperate decision: We had two daughters. My husband started disappearing at night. I didn't know what to think. I found several correspondence with different women on his phone. And then I realized that I got married too early and had children in a hurry. I knew I couldn’t go on like this and decided to get divorced.

At first, I asked to look after the children, wanted to get a specialty and then take the children to myself. I'm totally helpless right now. Vitya threw me out the door and said that I could forget about the children, I will not see them again.

Now I live in a dormitory, studying at a medical university. Everyone I share my story with is judging me, saying I'm a cuckoo mother. How could I have done otherwise? To live with a man who cheats on me or to take the children with you to nowhere? I have no relatives, no friends. Vitya is a good father, I know that the children are warm, fed and dressed. I hope that someday they will forgive me.”

It is said that those who condemn have never faced such a problem. It's hard to imagine what Ana had to go through. Her life didn't go well. It is not only young women who make such mistakes. Was that a mistake? She loved her husband and was ready to do anything for him, but he had few young wife and children, had to walk on the side.

As for Ani, she has her whole life ahead of her. This girl will get anything she wants. She has no perseverance or perseverance. We hope that Anya will come to her goal and in a few years she will be able to explain to her children that she could not do otherwise. She didn't abandon them, so the circumstances were. If Victor had allowed her to see her daughters, it would have been easier for Ana to cope with all the difficulties of seeing her children. But she still has a goal, and we are confident that Anya will be able to regain the trust of her daughters, and everything will get better.
Removed the plastic windows and was happy as an elephant, showing that they were installed instead
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