Removed the plastic windows and was happy as an elephant, showing that they were installed instead

Installation of wooden windows is becoming more popular. And this is not surprising, because the construction of natural materials has a number of advantages. In addition to the fact that such windows are much more pleasant, cozy look in the interior, so they are also more durable and retain heat more efficiently than any plastic. However, before ordering wooden windows, many are lost before choosing wood. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" The windows of which tree should be preferred.

Below we will look at the 3 most popular wood species that are used to make windows.

  1. Pine It is the most budget-friendly option among wooden windows. Perfect for those who are important sound-insulating and heat-saving properties of the design.

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    Also, pine windows are much lighter than most analogues, so they do not put additional stress on the house. However, keep in mind that they can be installed only in buildings located in places with a relative dry-climate.

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  2. Leaflet Compared to pine, larch costs about 25% more. However, this material justifies its price on several indicators. Firstly, the windows from larch are well tolerated. humidity. This will be very useful if the housing is located near a reservoir or swamp.

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    Secondly, larch windows feel great even in severe frosts. So in this case, there is still something to pay for.

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  3. Dusk Oak is considered one of the best options for many parameters. However, it is important not to forget about compliance with the rules of operation of oak windows and timely prevention. In that case, they are. will last much longerthan windows of any other type of wood.

Do you think wooden windows are better than plastic ones? Boldly shared their experience in the comments. Good luck!


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