Universal arraignment in kamentah
It so happens that we like a little pogundosit kammentah and carp like as there is nothing. What to do in such cases? Silent?
There is a better way! One need simply use one of the universal quibbles, the list that I will please you now. Some of chicanery can be directly applied without modification, and some will need to pre-adjust slightly in meaning.
Suppose, for illustration, that a certain Pupkinovich dashed off a small post about elephants. Post turned a coherent, logical, fresh and not be honest and talented. Here are some comments can be left villain Pupkinovichu to slightly podotravit him the joy of creativity:
Teacher nitpicking:
Mediocre, Pupkinovich. Before you write better.
Nitpicking analyst:
According to Freud, Pupkinovich, trunk means penis. Elephant, according to Freud, is something more. Why did you write to us about large penises? You care about the theme of a big penis? You want to talk to someone about penises, you can no longer keep it to myself?
Chicanery young scholar:
You're known to every schoolboy set of platitudes.
Chicanery experienced scholar:
Joyce Poole wrote this in his book "Life of the Elephant." And Joyce Poole to you very far.
Aryan quibbles:
That, my friend Semitic, decided to earn extra money by trading slonyatinoy? Are you aware that the elephant - non-kosher animal?
Chicanery journalist:
And how many now pay for ordered articles about elephants?
Chicanery dissenting:
You cringe, Pupkinovich. In addition, you are substituting the concept and intentionally admit the logical errors.
Chicanery naturalist:
The assumption in the article numerous factual mistakes is quite obvious that you have never in my life seen a live elephant. Damn amateur!
Chicanery telepath:
I know Pupkinovich you specifically write such an obvious garbage to poprovotsirovat audience. I suppose you're writing, and themselves to chuckle at his beard and rubbed his palms nasty smile.
Chicanery polyglot:
Pupkinovich, do not disgrace! Before we talk about the elephants, you should read Hegel Der Läufer (in German) and still many, many other books.
Collectivist quibbles:
Look, after all you have said that you are garbage sporol. Read the comments and admitted his mistake.
Chicanery neophyte:
Pupkinovich, stupid, an elephant's four legs. Teach materiel!
Chicanery garrulous:
Pupkinovich! Personally, for me, is not far and the limited rights, the following questions have arisen:
1. Elephant shit properly called "dung».
2. The word "elephant" has four letters.
3. Not every elephant can lift the trunk log.
4. You confuse the owner of the elephant and the mahout.
5. The elephants are listed as endangered.
6. And what is fundamentally different from an elephant bear?
What you can answer it?
Retentive nitpicking:
Pupkinovich, you repeat. You have used the word "elephant" a few months ago, in an article about the masks.
Nitpicking fan:
Pupkinovich you - genius. But when it comes to elephants, you turn into a terry demagogue, who is desperately trying to justify the absurd and biased nonsense. Write better about helicopters - Your article on helicopters I read with great pleasure.
Carping commentator:
You distort my words. I did not write "elephant eats rabbits" and "elephant eats birds».
Chicanery sailor:
You could not write an elephant and a mammoth. The essence of this would have not changed - everything is a dick. And in general, everything is full of garbage, compared to the world revolution.
Mowgli quibbles:
Only cowards are afraid to tease office rat elephants. This guy on the drum as an elephant weighs and how he mood. Got it, coward?
Chicanery prophet:
Pupkinovich, and if your child eats an elephant - you too will argue that elephants - good pets?
Chicanery good counselor:
I have the impression, Pupkinovich you deeper and deeper lapsing into demagoguery. It is not easy for you to go against some trouble, huh? Be finally being honest with yourself, and leave your pathetic attempts to write on topics that you know no dick. Look, I care about you, so please - stop shame poor.
Sophist cavils:
Your post makes no sense. At what point in the elephant becomes an elephant? But the sperm of an elephant - it is the elephant? A plastic elephant - an elephant? And if not - then when the elephant becomes an elephant? We first define the terms before you write nonsense and mix in a bunch of different things.
Pedantic nitpicking:
About the size of an elephant - complete garbage. Guinean Dwarf elephants weigh less than a hundred kilograms. Your statement "elephants - large animals" - is incorrect and gives your complete ignorance slonologii.
via fritzmorgen.livejournal.com
There is a better way! One need simply use one of the universal quibbles, the list that I will please you now. Some of chicanery can be directly applied without modification, and some will need to pre-adjust slightly in meaning.
Suppose, for illustration, that a certain Pupkinovich dashed off a small post about elephants. Post turned a coherent, logical, fresh and not be honest and talented. Here are some comments can be left villain Pupkinovichu to slightly podotravit him the joy of creativity:
Teacher nitpicking:
Mediocre, Pupkinovich. Before you write better.
Nitpicking analyst:
According to Freud, Pupkinovich, trunk means penis. Elephant, according to Freud, is something more. Why did you write to us about large penises? You care about the theme of a big penis? You want to talk to someone about penises, you can no longer keep it to myself?
Chicanery young scholar:
You're known to every schoolboy set of platitudes.
Chicanery experienced scholar:
Joyce Poole wrote this in his book "Life of the Elephant." And Joyce Poole to you very far.
Aryan quibbles:
That, my friend Semitic, decided to earn extra money by trading slonyatinoy? Are you aware that the elephant - non-kosher animal?
Chicanery journalist:
And how many now pay for ordered articles about elephants?
Chicanery dissenting:
You cringe, Pupkinovich. In addition, you are substituting the concept and intentionally admit the logical errors.
Chicanery naturalist:
The assumption in the article numerous factual mistakes is quite obvious that you have never in my life seen a live elephant. Damn amateur!
Chicanery telepath:
I know Pupkinovich you specifically write such an obvious garbage to poprovotsirovat audience. I suppose you're writing, and themselves to chuckle at his beard and rubbed his palms nasty smile.
Chicanery polyglot:
Pupkinovich, do not disgrace! Before we talk about the elephants, you should read Hegel Der Läufer (in German) and still many, many other books.
Collectivist quibbles:
Look, after all you have said that you are garbage sporol. Read the comments and admitted his mistake.
Chicanery neophyte:
Pupkinovich, stupid, an elephant's four legs. Teach materiel!
Chicanery garrulous:
Pupkinovich! Personally, for me, is not far and the limited rights, the following questions have arisen:
1. Elephant shit properly called "dung».
2. The word "elephant" has four letters.
3. Not every elephant can lift the trunk log.
4. You confuse the owner of the elephant and the mahout.
5. The elephants are listed as endangered.
6. And what is fundamentally different from an elephant bear?
What you can answer it?
Retentive nitpicking:
Pupkinovich, you repeat. You have used the word "elephant" a few months ago, in an article about the masks.
Nitpicking fan:
Pupkinovich you - genius. But when it comes to elephants, you turn into a terry demagogue, who is desperately trying to justify the absurd and biased nonsense. Write better about helicopters - Your article on helicopters I read with great pleasure.
Carping commentator:
You distort my words. I did not write "elephant eats rabbits" and "elephant eats birds».
Chicanery sailor:
You could not write an elephant and a mammoth. The essence of this would have not changed - everything is a dick. And in general, everything is full of garbage, compared to the world revolution.
Mowgli quibbles:
Only cowards are afraid to tease office rat elephants. This guy on the drum as an elephant weighs and how he mood. Got it, coward?
Chicanery prophet:
Pupkinovich, and if your child eats an elephant - you too will argue that elephants - good pets?
Chicanery good counselor:
I have the impression, Pupkinovich you deeper and deeper lapsing into demagoguery. It is not easy for you to go against some trouble, huh? Be finally being honest with yourself, and leave your pathetic attempts to write on topics that you know no dick. Look, I care about you, so please - stop shame poor.
Sophist cavils:
Your post makes no sense. At what point in the elephant becomes an elephant? But the sperm of an elephant - it is the elephant? A plastic elephant - an elephant? And if not - then when the elephant becomes an elephant? We first define the terms before you write nonsense and mix in a bunch of different things.
Pedantic nitpicking:
About the size of an elephant - complete garbage. Guinean Dwarf elephants weigh less than a hundred kilograms. Your statement "elephants - large animals" - is incorrect and gives your complete ignorance slonologii.
via fritzmorgen.livejournal.com
