Padonkovsky Slang in the adapted translation for lawyers :)
In Bobruisk, the animal! - This means that the plaintiff filed suit in violation of rules of jurisdiction.
In buddylist! - Asking to involve a third party in not making independent claims.
Aftor, kill yourself! - I think you need to recuse himself or herself. option: kill the author sibya / vypy yadu- first inst decision to refuse the claim.
Bayan - which came into force a court decision in a dispute between the same parties on the same subject and on the same grounds.
Learn Albanian! - Read the arbitration clause of our contract.
Not disclosed subject boobs! - A decision shall be canceled for lack of evidence.
Option: Not disclosed subject boobs! - Claim upheld movement
Not disclosed subject fucked! - In case there are serious procedural violations.
Option: Not disclosed subject fucked - claim not to be considered in the AU
Author, drink yadu! - In the operative part of the decision.
This is a five! - Sentence
In disyatke and niibet ... - sentence
The author is cool - the stated requirements are recognized in full. Fuck off the beach! - Replacement of improper defendant.
Author Pesci ischo! - The Court offers the plaintiff to submit additional evidence.
In gazenvagen - read out the operative part of the decision taken in the case.
Ftopku- stated materials can not be attached to the case.
Kitty, you're offended? - The parties have decided to conclude the agreement.
Cool - The Court agrees with the arguments of the parties.
Bespesdy - the evidence correspond to the real situation.
Fpesdu - the evidence does not correspond to the real situation.
GP Govnoplyuev - Litigation inclined to this view. Author - atsky Soton! - A lawsuit filed by the plaintiff improperly.
The first tries - the claim against the debtor in bankruptcy are current payments and shall be met out of the lineup.
variant: First tries - did not accept the claim.
the second tries - did not accept the appeal.
three tries - did not receive an appeal.
Ahuet give two! - The court has not given a copy of the complaint and its annexes.
Niasilil - Khodorkovsky verdict
Masturbate, thank you - the person that loses the trial.
And the pictures? - A judge seeks evidence in the case.
Kosher - the plaintiff overpaid state fee.
Images are not loaded - the state of the judge at the first meeting after the holidays.
In Memories - I'll go acquainted with the materials of the case.
Why are you the grass - a complaint to the court records.
Glamurnenko - a decision in favor of the plaintiff.
option: glamorous - a court decision on the adoption of the statement of claim to the production.
no panimayu - a court decision to refuse interim measures.
Fotozhopa - a statement about the falsification of evidence.
Scared to hiccups - review text containing no substantive objections stated requirements and links to evidence.
You have Mosk? - The basis on which the defendant appealed.
Where did you take this herb? - Application for a review of the supervisory review lodged by a person not involved in the case, but suggests a substantial violation of the legitimate rights and interests.
Drain zaschitan - recognition of debt settlement.
Achtung! - A challenge.
Yandex canceled? - The recognition of well-known facts of the case.
Smeyalso all office - the signature of the Chairman of the Presidium.
Adnaznachna! - The reasoning of the Supreme Decree.
Chet rules! - Determination of the abandonment of the claim without considered LOL - protest in the SAC.
Location've stole kreatif - application of newly discovered circumstances.
You're a loser, you kill yourself - such as the judge charged the process ... ... and the result is known.
Bastards, go to FSE yuh! Babruysk - for babrof! - Not complied with the pre-trial procedure for settling the dispute.
One blunt snout - to consider the matter summarily (without calling the parties).
Respect gyyyyyyygygyg - the prosecutor to review the decision in the exercise of supervisory powers.
Prekolno, but a little - a statement clarifying the court decision.
Sometimes polutstse and - a reference to the judicial practice in the appeal.
Niasilil. Many bukf. Tomorrow Asilah - Resolution on the adoption of additional solutions.
Zochem vie travite? - Appeal against the actions of a bailiff.
aftoru respegt the idea - definition of acceptance complaint to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Nastayaschy Ybl created shidevr - Definition of COP 169-O of 08.04.2004 pelotka not britya / where is the clitoris - examined the case having studied materaly, after hearing the parties the Court finds no reason to satisfaction of the complaint or cancellation of the decision
HUYASSE ?? - Colleague, okay you do not respect me, respect the court!
UZHOS tries - a charge under Art. such as 105, 131 of the Criminal Code
NOT YEBI OX - the decision came into force can not be appealed
In kamentah fag ahutng - addition to the lawsuit, the complaint
PRICK Apache - prejudice
Wait pachitayu - the court proceeds to the study of written evidence
I plakal - I underwent physical and mental suffering to the weight of those above kamentah PIDORY- FAS ruling, send the case for retrial
In buddylist! - Asking to involve a third party in not making independent claims.
Aftor, kill yourself! - I think you need to recuse himself or herself. option: kill the author sibya / vypy yadu- first inst decision to refuse the claim.
Bayan - which came into force a court decision in a dispute between the same parties on the same subject and on the same grounds.
Learn Albanian! - Read the arbitration clause of our contract.
Not disclosed subject boobs! - A decision shall be canceled for lack of evidence.
Option: Not disclosed subject boobs! - Claim upheld movement
Not disclosed subject fucked! - In case there are serious procedural violations.
Option: Not disclosed subject fucked - claim not to be considered in the AU
Author, drink yadu! - In the operative part of the decision.
This is a five! - Sentence
In disyatke and niibet ... - sentence
The author is cool - the stated requirements are recognized in full. Fuck off the beach! - Replacement of improper defendant.
Author Pesci ischo! - The Court offers the plaintiff to submit additional evidence.
In gazenvagen - read out the operative part of the decision taken in the case.
Ftopku- stated materials can not be attached to the case.
Kitty, you're offended? - The parties have decided to conclude the agreement.
Cool - The Court agrees with the arguments of the parties.
Bespesdy - the evidence correspond to the real situation.
Fpesdu - the evidence does not correspond to the real situation.
GP Govnoplyuev - Litigation inclined to this view. Author - atsky Soton! - A lawsuit filed by the plaintiff improperly.
The first tries - the claim against the debtor in bankruptcy are current payments and shall be met out of the lineup.
variant: First tries - did not accept the claim.
the second tries - did not accept the appeal.
three tries - did not receive an appeal.
Ahuet give two! - The court has not given a copy of the complaint and its annexes.
Niasilil - Khodorkovsky verdict
Masturbate, thank you - the person that loses the trial.
And the pictures? - A judge seeks evidence in the case.
Kosher - the plaintiff overpaid state fee.
Images are not loaded - the state of the judge at the first meeting after the holidays.
In Memories - I'll go acquainted with the materials of the case.
Why are you the grass - a complaint to the court records.
Glamurnenko - a decision in favor of the plaintiff.
option: glamorous - a court decision on the adoption of the statement of claim to the production.
no panimayu - a court decision to refuse interim measures.
Fotozhopa - a statement about the falsification of evidence.
Scared to hiccups - review text containing no substantive objections stated requirements and links to evidence.
You have Mosk? - The basis on which the defendant appealed.
Where did you take this herb? - Application for a review of the supervisory review lodged by a person not involved in the case, but suggests a substantial violation of the legitimate rights and interests.
Drain zaschitan - recognition of debt settlement.
Achtung! - A challenge.
Yandex canceled? - The recognition of well-known facts of the case.
Smeyalso all office - the signature of the Chairman of the Presidium.
Adnaznachna! - The reasoning of the Supreme Decree.
Chet rules! - Determination of the abandonment of the claim without considered LOL - protest in the SAC.
Location've stole kreatif - application of newly discovered circumstances.
You're a loser, you kill yourself - such as the judge charged the process ... ... and the result is known.
Bastards, go to FSE yuh! Babruysk - for babrof! - Not complied with the pre-trial procedure for settling the dispute.
One blunt snout - to consider the matter summarily (without calling the parties).
Respect gyyyyyyygygyg - the prosecutor to review the decision in the exercise of supervisory powers.
Prekolno, but a little - a statement clarifying the court decision.
Sometimes polutstse and - a reference to the judicial practice in the appeal.
Niasilil. Many bukf. Tomorrow Asilah - Resolution on the adoption of additional solutions.
Zochem vie travite? - Appeal against the actions of a bailiff.
aftoru respegt the idea - definition of acceptance complaint to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Nastayaschy Ybl created shidevr - Definition of COP 169-O of 08.04.2004 pelotka not britya / where is the clitoris - examined the case having studied materaly, after hearing the parties the Court finds no reason to satisfaction of the complaint or cancellation of the decision
HUYASSE ?? - Colleague, okay you do not respect me, respect the court!
UZHOS tries - a charge under Art. such as 105, 131 of the Criminal Code
NOT YEBI OX - the decision came into force can not be appealed
In kamentah fag ahutng - addition to the lawsuit, the complaint
PRICK Apache - prejudice
Wait pachitayu - the court proceeds to the study of written evidence
I plakal - I underwent physical and mental suffering to the weight of those above kamentah PIDORY- FAS ruling, send the case for retrial