Professions that break down the psyche

Lawyers can be seen from afar. Neat haircut, strict business suit and carrying case - an image, a la Keanu Reeves in "The Devil's Advocate." In addition to such official appearance of the majority of custody Themis distinguishes stressed restrained behavior. These people are very clearly and consistently answer questions and loved to pour professional terms.
"Formalism lawyers are not so harmless, - says Nadezhda Kuzmina, Counseling Psychology center" Navigator ". - Awareness of jurists may exceed the scope of permissible, and eventually they just turn into nerds ».
Typically, in this profession are people corrosive and meticulous. Because these qualities are cultivated year after year, for many lawyers excessive suspiciousness becomes a character trait. Even in personal relationships, they tend to look for the catch.
If you decide to confront the professional deformation, do not give yourself a setting like "I'll never be so callous boring as Ivan Ivanovich." In this case, you concentrate too much on fighting with itself, which will lead to excessive self-control.
"Develop a sense of humor. The ability to laugh at himself allows to stay sane and not become a boring biscuit "- advises Hope Kuzmina.
Some experts joke: Accountant - a diagnosis.
"It seems to me to change profession, accountants have to spend much more effort than an employee of any other profession," - smiling CEO ProTraining Denis Chistyakov.
Many people are so get used to the image of a business that is transferred meticulousness and love to the protocol for privacy.
"Accountants do everything right - says Denis Chistyakov. - All extreme frightens them and alarming. They go to school at five, graduated with the highest honors. They would prefer to get a job right away, where will remain until retirement ».
Pedantry accountants often suffer and the family. Spouse can not worry: planning the family budget will be in good hands, and the apartment is kept clean and tidy.
Are you afraid to become a nerd? Tear off the market and become closer to the people, otherwise the risk to be second Akaki Bashmachkin whose world consisted of letters and commas. Around there are many interesting things. Have fun, try unusual sports. Here to help can come formalist relatives and friends, who in fact prove that the uncertainty and risk has its advantages.
These people from a young age get used to the atmosphere of strict discipline. As a rule, the military "build" home, and suppress dissent by force bearing. Military retired - the classic image of domestic tyrant and dictator.
According to psychologists, the military becoming the kind of professional deformation of the person that can not be overcome. Officer - not a profession but a way of life. There will not save even a sense of humor, which I must say, the military is either unavailable or too specific.
At the same time, the military is perfectly adapted to life in the civilian world.
"The great advantage of the military in that they make faithful husbands and protectors. Leave her family does not allow a code of honor. In addition, a strong family is a part of the image for the officer, "- says Nadezhda Kuzmina.
So it makes no sense to dwell on the negatives - better cultivate the positive qualities of the members of your profession.
Work doctor assumes a huge responsibility, and service in extreme conditions leaves its mark. A well-known medical cynicism becomes a kind of psychological protection from fear and the daily suffering of patients. Black humor, which the physician can afford to colleagues in the community is automatically transferred to your friends and family, and it can hurt the feelings of others. Sometimes doctors are so much accustomed to hide the emotions that they prefer not to talk about their work and experiences. The tragic events in everyday life, doctors perceive spartan and with a certain degree of indifference. However, what seems to be indifference, actually built by his own psychological wall.
Psychologists are advised to share their internal problems with loved ones and do not forget the compassion that is so waiting relatives. Leave trouble at work and outside of health facilities do everything to avoid additional stress: walk on foot, read books and watch movies, non-violent.
Both in work and in life, journalists are quite superficial. This is understandable: the profession does not involve a detailed study of the material, so the interests of the journalist directed outwards and not deep.
Another disadvantage of journalists - excessive curiosity.
"In everyday life, they try to attract attention - says Nadezhda Kuzmina. - This tendency is due to the fact that the professional activity, people are forced to stay in the shade to maintain objectivity and do not detract from the newsmaker. I would advise journalists suffering talkative as ever to record their conversations on tape and listen carefully. It will be easier to assess their speaking skills and understand not too active you pull the blanket over himself ».
Yet to win the disadvantage of talkativeness, very difficult. But to live with it is quite possible. But only if you choose the right circle. Choose people who like to listen more than talk, and herbs health journalistic stories in the company of grateful introverts.
"In two out of three cases, people are going to learn from a psychologist to try to understand myself - says Denis Chistyakov. - They have a concern, and they want to learn how to cope with the problems ».
At the same time, oddly enough, the end of life and psychologists can not do away with their "cockroaches". In some cases, they do not see the context and begin to analyze and delve into other people's problems. They make the other person interrogation and, worst of all, try to force him advice.
"In business, it is not always necessary, - says Denis Chistyakov. - Here is an example. Sales managers often hold special training in NLP, where they are taught how to influence people. But in the end all negotiations break down, because instead of listening to the interlocutor, people learn how to someone who looked like someone who sat down and made a movement ».
The second variant strain is associated with a mastery of the manipulator. These people know how to communicate with people and are well aware of their weaknesses. Using others, psychologist easily achieve the desired, and the rest did not understand how he managed to do it.
Try to clearly distinguish between professional and private life. You should be able to free and disengage from the profession. Do not take the people around them as material for research. Say to yourself, "stop", as soon as notice of an unhealthy interest in the other person. Manipulation - and at an unacceptable thing in personal relationships, leave this toy only for business situations. Especially focusing on finding subtexts and trying to get into the unconscious, you are depriving yourself of the true pleasure of simple human communication.
Sales Manager
Prodazhnikov profession teaches cunning and resourcefulness. Ability to foist a product that is not for sale - it's an art, and is often very poor quality of the goods makes sly and cunning.
Another drawback of sales managers - talkativeness.
"At work, they have to talk a lot, and it becomes a habit. Also, they tend to excessive artistry - says Nadezhda Kuzmina. - If you begin to notice for an excessive talkativeness and some artificiality, slow down. Try at least in leisure time aside from thinking about work ».
Sales managers tend to be excessively picky consumer. Making even a small purchase, the manager can not escape the thought that his attempt to cheat.
"From unfounded suspicion can be removed. Since you are used to operate a lot of information, try to prepare for the purchase beforehand. For example, you can get the maximum amount of information about a product or service on the Internet "- advises Hope Kuzmina.
Teachers in everyday life do his favorite thing - they teach. As a rule, high self-esteem of teachers, independent of their status.
"Teachers heavily rebuilt - says Denis Chistyakov. - Most of them - do not want to generalize - once learned a specific list of issues and now teach jagged course without deviating from it a single step ».
They are accustomed to impose their point of view and we do not know how to obey another person, hence the authoritarian behavior and authoritativeness. They stubbornly trying to prove to others their leadership and gain recognition.
"Learn to obey - advises Denis Chistyakov. - If you have changed the scope of activities, the need to understand the laws of the hierarchy in the company. Try to change your role, tell yourself: "I am currently a student and learn new things." In the family need to be wiser. It is one thing - to correct the student in the classroom, and the other - to complain spouse. In this case there is the substitution of the role of the adult role of the child, but your spouse is not a child, and it should be good to understand ».
Try to take the place of his interlocutor or deliberately try on the role of a slave. Create a situation - on vacation, courses learning something new on cognitive excursions, where you would be a slave and a priori is in the "bottom". Perhaps experienced the beauty of orders and instructions on yourself, you will begin to be careful to command others. Constant self-development and tolerance - such advice given by psychologists.
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