Why you should hug trees more often
A friend of mine told me a story that is hard to believe. Varya is a modern girl who believes in traditional medicine. She was always skeptical of healers and healing herbs. Until she got sick herself. She suffered severe chest pains and general weakness, from which I simply could not save. Turning to the doctors, she received no response.
The cardiogram showed no deviations, and then the doctors dismissed, they say, neuralgia is, take pills, ointments and be treated. But nothing helped her. The pain became unbearable, cheerful and cheerful Varya just withered in front of her eyes. Then her mother, who grew up in the village, decided to take the girl to her small homeland.
In the village lived a healer, grandmother Ustinya, who was said to cure not such diseases. Her mother persuaded Varya to go to her grandmother, at least to try. The girl was very skeptical, but agreed to the mother was calmer. The grandmother listened for a long time, looked, led her hands, read a prayer, and then said that she would not be able to cope with this ailment herself, she said to come the next day.
And she led Varya into the forest, to the far edge, where a huge, powerful birch grew. The grandmother said that the tree should be hugged and sincerely, with all my heart, ask him for help and relief from pain. Then Varie’s story was a bit incoherent, she tried to convey everything she felt, and it was breathtaking. But let it remain Wari's story. The most wonderful thing about all this is that the pain left the girl.
DepositPhotos You can call it anything, but we have all seen Vara return to life. Her eyes glistened again, she appeared blush, she was healthy again. Varya says that when she becomes ill or difficult, she remembers that birch and everything goes away.
This story inspired us, and we decided to investigate. How useful are treesWhat trees to go to and how to ask for help. We'll tell you about it today!
The healing power of trees is not a joke but a scientifically proven fact. Many hundreds of years ago, people practiced the method of treatment using trees. This helps fight stress, depression, promotes better concentration, besides trees are able to take away pain and fill you with good energy. It is important to find the right tree for you.
There are different types of trees: healers and vampire trees. Accordingly, some give energy, heal from diseases, and others take away its excess. With severe stress, grief, headaches, inflammatory processes and similar diseases, you need to get rid of negative energy. At the same time, it is recommended to approach the tree from the north side, lean against it with your back and ask it to rid you of your misfortune.
If you feel increased pain or discomfort, then this tree just does not suit you, you need to choose another one. If you feel weak and lack of energy, you need to approach the corresponding tree from the south side. You need to face the plant, touch your hands and forehead, mentally asking the tree for help.
Now let’s find out what kind of tree you need.
If possible, you can plant some trees on your site. It is important to note that not every tree can be grown near the house.
You can believe. tree-benefit Or treating it like a joke is your business. Editorial "Site" They believe that trees have healing properties and can heal. We recommend that you just try and then draw conclusions.
Do you believe in the healing power of trees? Do you know how to heal yourself?
The cardiogram showed no deviations, and then the doctors dismissed, they say, neuralgia is, take pills, ointments and be treated. But nothing helped her. The pain became unbearable, cheerful and cheerful Varya just withered in front of her eyes. Then her mother, who grew up in the village, decided to take the girl to her small homeland.

In the village lived a healer, grandmother Ustinya, who was said to cure not such diseases. Her mother persuaded Varya to go to her grandmother, at least to try. The girl was very skeptical, but agreed to the mother was calmer. The grandmother listened for a long time, looked, led her hands, read a prayer, and then said that she would not be able to cope with this ailment herself, she said to come the next day.
And she led Varya into the forest, to the far edge, where a huge, powerful birch grew. The grandmother said that the tree should be hugged and sincerely, with all my heart, ask him for help and relief from pain. Then Varie’s story was a bit incoherent, she tried to convey everything she felt, and it was breathtaking. But let it remain Wari's story. The most wonderful thing about all this is that the pain left the girl.

DepositPhotos You can call it anything, but we have all seen Vara return to life. Her eyes glistened again, she appeared blush, she was healthy again. Varya says that when she becomes ill or difficult, she remembers that birch and everything goes away.

This story inspired us, and we decided to investigate. How useful are treesWhat trees to go to and how to ask for help. We'll tell you about it today!
The healing power of trees is not a joke but a scientifically proven fact. Many hundreds of years ago, people practiced the method of treatment using trees. This helps fight stress, depression, promotes better concentration, besides trees are able to take away pain and fill you with good energy. It is important to find the right tree for you.
There are different types of trees: healers and vampire trees. Accordingly, some give energy, heal from diseases, and others take away its excess. With severe stress, grief, headaches, inflammatory processes and similar diseases, you need to get rid of negative energy. At the same time, it is recommended to approach the tree from the north side, lean against it with your back and ask it to rid you of your misfortune.
If you feel increased pain or discomfort, then this tree just does not suit you, you need to choose another one. If you feel weak and lack of energy, you need to approach the corresponding tree from the south side. You need to face the plant, touch your hands and forehead, mentally asking the tree for help.

Now let’s find out what kind of tree you need.
- birch
Very strong and energetically generous tree. Even a young birch can willingly share healing energy with a person. This is a donor tree, it can be fed with positive, healing energy. The action of the birch is soft, you can be near it for quite a long time. Birch has a very good effect on the health of women and children. It will help improve the condition of the skin, get rid of pain, improve mood.
DepositPhotos - grub
This strong and powerful tree will help you to escape from fatigue, apathy or various fears. Grab is an excellent donor who will give you strength to overcome various difficulties, help get rid of indecision. But remember that this tree is extremely strong, so you can’t stay near it for too long. 5-10 minutes is enough. - Walnut
A good tree that will help to get rid of negative energy. Nuts will help relieve irritation, stop inflammatory processes, and in addition fill you with peace and tranquility. - Pear
Most fruit trees are soft donors. They generously share energy, especially garden trees. But for energy support, it is better to go to a wild pear. It will help with various ailments associated with energy loss.
DepositPhotos - Dusk
It is a very powerful and powerful tree. Oak is able to give you cheerfulness of spirit and body, clarity of thoughts and strength of health. Oak at the same time soothes if a person is nervous, and tones if there is not enough strength to fight illness or life disorders. But with oak you need to be careful, its energy is not suitable for everyone. For women, children, and people with low blood pressure, the influence of this tree may seem too intense. This tree is well suited to men, but they should not abuse the feed from oak either.
DepositPhotos - el
This is a vampire tree, it will easily and gently take away from you all negative emotions, calm, relieve stress and irritation. Spruce takes away the pain perfectly. It also helps to cope with insomnia and nightmares.
DepositPhotos - willow
A very strong vampire tree. Willow is a female tree, so it helps women more than men. But you need to go to the willow for help only in exceptional moments of life. Willow better than any tree will soothe the pain of loss, help to survive the tragedy. Willow will not only take away your heartache, it will fill you with hope. Just do not come to the willow to cry for minor troubles, because it can only exacerbate your feelings.
DepositPhotos - clene
It’s a special tree: it doesn’t just take away your negative energy, it converts it into positive energy. You need to go to the maple when you want to get rid of stress and recharge. - Lipa
Lipa is a soft and kind tree, it is ready to share its warm energy with a person. Lipa helps restore balance after communicating with a vampire tree.
DepositPhotos - Aspen
Aspen is the strongest vampire tree. This tree will help to correct even the most neglected cases. Very well it helps to get rid of traffic jams in energy channels. Inflammations, wounds, bruises, toothache, insomnia - all this treats aspen. - Pine
The pine is a female donor. It provides a person with a huge amount of energy, accelerates metabolism, but not everyone needs such an effect. People with a weak heart should not turn to pine for help.
DepositPhotos - topol
Poplar helps to get rid of negative energy. It is slightly weaker than aspen, but also helps to get rid of pain, nervous tension and anxiety. Poplar takes everything bad, but after such communication you need to seek help from a donor tree. - apple tree
The apple tree is one of the softest donor trees. Wood very willingly helps women to preserve youth and beauty, and also gives strength to cope with household problems. Garden apple tree is good, but with serious nervous disorders it is better to turn to a wild healer.
If possible, you can plant some trees on your site. It is important to note that not every tree can be grown near the house.
You can believe. tree-benefit Or treating it like a joke is your business. Editorial "Site" They believe that trees have healing properties and can heal. We recommend that you just try and then draw conclusions.
Do you believe in the healing power of trees? Do you know how to heal yourself?
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