How and when to treat trees in the garden
Greetings to gardeners and gardeners. Today we are with the editorial board. "Site" We want to talk about spring tree treatment. We will tell you how to take care of plants so that the trees in your garden are healthy and strong, and also bring a generous harvest of fruits.
We will discuss 3 methods of spring processing and talk about the means to use. In addition, we will find out whether it is necessary to whiten the trees and how useful this method is.
The schedule of spraying can be divided into 3 stages: before the buds bloom, during and after flowering. Each stage involves work on a separate group of pests, as well as various preventive methods and prevention. In addition, with the help of processing, we will be able to strengthen the immunity of trees and protect them from fungus.
Trees need special care at any time of the year. In the process of vegetation, plants go through various stages and are negatively affected by insects, temperature and weather conditions. To effectively protect your garden, treatment should begin in early spring and produce it according to a phased work plan. With proper care, the trees in your garden will be healthy and grateful for care. We wish you delicious fruits!
We will discuss 3 methods of spring processing and talk about the means to use. In addition, we will find out whether it is necessary to whiten the trees and how useful this method is.

The schedule of spraying can be divided into 3 stages: before the buds bloom, during and after flowering. Each stage involves work on a separate group of pests, as well as various preventive methods and prevention. In addition, with the help of processing, we will be able to strengthen the immunity of trees and protect them from fungus.

- Before the kidneys dissolve.
As soon as the snow melts and the daily temperature is set within 5 degrees Celsius, you can start processing. First, you need to prepare a garden: prune trees from frozen branches and tops, process and clean hollows, treat damaged bark. For this, you can use a paste for disinfection.
The first spraying is aimed at eliminating the fungus of trees, mosses, lichens, ticks and caterpillars. We recommend using proven and reliable means - sulfur, carbamide, insecticides and broad-acting fungicides.
Means are good because, in addition to plant protection, they serve as nitrogen fertilizer. You need to spray the trees from top to bottom, starting with the crown and gradually moving inside the trunk. - Flowering time
It is a good idea to use supplements to stimulate growth. Fruit trees are processed twice: during active flowering and during fruiting. In addition, it is necessary to protect the trees from fungus, ticks and weevil. To do this, we will need funds based on protein toxin, copper sulfur and bordeaux.
For spraying on the “naked” tree, we use 3% Bordeaux mixture. Mix 300 g of copper sulfur and 450 g of quicklime (per 10 liters of water). For leaves, a 1% solution is used - 100 g of sulfur and 150 g of lime.
During the workpiece, we use plastic buckets, since the metal can react with the mixture. Be sure to pour copper sulfur into lime, and not vice versa. Stir and filter through 3-4 layers of gauze. The substance is ready. - After flowering
After the trees bloom, there is a risk of sawmills, mites, aphids, leafworms and other pests. To protect the garden from these insects, it is necessary to spray trees with broad-spectrum insecticides. It is very important to make the final processing to consolidate the results.
I would also like to talk about whitewashing trees. First, it is an excellent prevention against sunburn. Secondly, it will be possible to protect the trees from pests from below, from the roots of the plant. In addition, whitewashed trees better tolerate temperature changes. When working in the garden, we recommend whitening high enough, up to the frame branches of the tree.

Trees need special care at any time of the year. In the process of vegetation, plants go through various stages and are negatively affected by insects, temperature and weather conditions. To effectively protect your garden, treatment should begin in early spring and produce it according to a phased work plan. With proper care, the trees in your garden will be healthy and grateful for care. We wish you delicious fruits!
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