Why Visionary Housewives Prepare Ajika from Squash
As they say, those who do not lazy in the summer and autumn, he will be full until the next harvest! Experienced summer residents know that now is the time to harvest cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and squash for the winter. That's why the editorial board "Site" Offers you an unusual recipe for ajiki zucchini.
Yes, zucchini is not part of the classical adjika zucchini. But why not try to make it a little more interesting? Be sure, the sauce prepared according to this recipe will be perfect for meat, poultry, boiled potatoes, and just with bread it is tasty. From the specified amount of ingredients, 3 liters of delicious pungent ajika are obtained.
The ingredients
Take note of this recipe and capture the moment while the shelves and garden flaunt the ruddy, juicy. Bon appetit!

Yes, zucchini is not part of the classical adjika zucchini. But why not try to make it a little more interesting? Be sure, the sauce prepared according to this recipe will be perfect for meat, poultry, boiled potatoes, and just with bread it is tasty. From the specified amount of ingredients, 3 liters of delicious pungent ajika are obtained.
The ingredients
- 1.5kg zucchini
- 300g Bulgarian pepper
- 1kg tomatoes
- 300g carrots
- 1 hot pepper
- 50g garlic
- 100 ml of vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp salt
- 100ml vinegar
- 2 tbsp sugar
- First, we prepare vegetables. Wash them, dry them, clean them and cut them in such pieces that they can be grinded in a meat grinder. It is important to remove seeds from Bulgarian pepper, but in hot pepper they should be left.
- We pass all the vegetables through the meat grinder. The grille must be large, otherwise it will be very difficult to grind the products. First we grind Bulgarian pepper and garlic. It is better to give preference to red Bulgarian pepper, because then ajika will have a beautiful color. It is worth alternating vegetables in the process so that the meat grinder is not clogged, and the ingredients of adjika are immediately mixed.
- After doing this, send a pot with a vegetable mixture stove. Then we bring it to a boil on a heavy fire, stirring constantly. Then reduce the fire to medium and boil ajika for 30 minutes.
- After half an hour, add sugar and large salt to the ajika. Then we pour vinegar and vegetable oil into the pan. Stir everything well and cook for another 10 minutes. At this stage, we need to taste ajik If necessary, adjust the salinity and sharpness. If you decide to add anything, the mixture will need to be boiled for another 5 minutes.
- Finally laying out the finished zucchini adjika on clean dry cans. You can pre-wash cans with soda and dry in the oven for 5-10 minutes. Sterilizing is not necessary. Immediately roll the hot cans and turn them down. We wrap the jars in a blanket and leave them to cool for 12-24 hours. Done!
Take note of this recipe and capture the moment while the shelves and garden flaunt the ruddy, juicy. Bon appetit!
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