Why the husband in public pretends to be good, and at home tears and mosques
Life is complicated and you never know where you suddenly stumble. But worst of all, when these trippings within the family occur. Then literally. wife-husband rebel. And vice versa. Of course, we have one simple question for this, but first we need to convey the intensity of passion. That's what "sel la vi" is!
Editorial "Site" I got a really stunning letter. It seemed to us that the woman who wrote it was already somewhere on the edge. We sent her our answer a long time ago, but we decided to share these emotions with you. I wonder if you come to the same question as us.
My husband and I have a terrible relationship. On weekdays, it still went anywhere, but on weekends, when both are home, it's just a hell of a thing! I want him to go straight to the other world. He responds in kind. I can't leave him for the money. My daughter is twenty years old and my parents are old. A closed circle.
Eight years ago, the doctors barely managed to save her. And this, let me say, husband got a girlfriend a month later! For a whole year, he lied that it was his subordinate, it was recorded on the phone under a male name. Can a leader behave like that? I can't remember when I was in bed. Maybe four years ago. Anger is what I feel when I see it.
I throw myself at him with my fists, sometimes, and beat him, and he only tells me that it is my fault. Twenty years of life is a complete disaster. He'll drink and snore himself carefree, and I'll cry for hours. I want to do something, but my hand won't go up. I wanted to go to a psychologist, but I'm ashamed to talk about it.
And my daughter is sorry, because she's watching all this. And this one never goes away. Sometimes, disappear for a few days, come back, scandal, I beat the dishes, I want to throw him out the window, tears! On people, silk, even under the tongue as sugar. Jesus, when is this gonna end? Twenty years of my life was taken away, inhuman. Damn money!
Wives against husbands
Honestly, I don’t even want to understand the reasons to understand how it all started. Should I? You read a letter like this and ask yourself only one question, "Why is this all?" What kind of life do these people have and how can it be tolerated? No one dares. take the first step And put a fat point.
It seems that no one wants to take responsibility for the breakup, even though it has already happened. Instead of worrying about their daughter, they accumulate that stress in her. The woman who wrote the letter literally brought herself to the handle - eight years of constant experiences can break anyone.
From radical measures, we recommended first to help my daughter move somewhere. Twenty years old, quite able to cope with possible challenges on their own. There is no need to drag her into an endless scandal. The second step is to deal with your own life. We understand from the letter that there is only pain and suffering. Is all this worth that money?
Life is one, there is always a choice. Why disembowel yourself alive and lead to endless aggression? Unfortunately, we can’t make recommendations, it should be done by a psychologist. Choosing what to do with your life, a woman will have to do it herself. In such matters, it is difficult to show a starting point, everything has to move globally.
We sincerely hope that such situations are just exceptions to the rule. May everyone live happily and peacefully! It is not necessary to devalue yourself, but Money is always earned.. Be sure to write down what your actions would have been in such a case and have you ever experienced such boundary feelings?
Wives versus husbands Let them perform only in comedic productions, and in everything else there should be parity, respect and, of course, love. See our next article about what prayer to read so that a man loves you even more. And thank you for staying with us!
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Editorial "Site" I got a really stunning letter. It seemed to us that the woman who wrote it was already somewhere on the edge. We sent her our answer a long time ago, but we decided to share these emotions with you. I wonder if you come to the same question as us.
My husband and I have a terrible relationship. On weekdays, it still went anywhere, but on weekends, when both are home, it's just a hell of a thing! I want him to go straight to the other world. He responds in kind. I can't leave him for the money. My daughter is twenty years old and my parents are old. A closed circle.

Eight years ago, the doctors barely managed to save her. And this, let me say, husband got a girlfriend a month later! For a whole year, he lied that it was his subordinate, it was recorded on the phone under a male name. Can a leader behave like that? I can't remember when I was in bed. Maybe four years ago. Anger is what I feel when I see it.
I throw myself at him with my fists, sometimes, and beat him, and he only tells me that it is my fault. Twenty years of life is a complete disaster. He'll drink and snore himself carefree, and I'll cry for hours. I want to do something, but my hand won't go up. I wanted to go to a psychologist, but I'm ashamed to talk about it.

And my daughter is sorry, because she's watching all this. And this one never goes away. Sometimes, disappear for a few days, come back, scandal, I beat the dishes, I want to throw him out the window, tears! On people, silk, even under the tongue as sugar. Jesus, when is this gonna end? Twenty years of my life was taken away, inhuman. Damn money!
Wives against husbands

Honestly, I don’t even want to understand the reasons to understand how it all started. Should I? You read a letter like this and ask yourself only one question, "Why is this all?" What kind of life do these people have and how can it be tolerated? No one dares. take the first step And put a fat point.
It seems that no one wants to take responsibility for the breakup, even though it has already happened. Instead of worrying about their daughter, they accumulate that stress in her. The woman who wrote the letter literally brought herself to the handle - eight years of constant experiences can break anyone.

From radical measures, we recommended first to help my daughter move somewhere. Twenty years old, quite able to cope with possible challenges on their own. There is no need to drag her into an endless scandal. The second step is to deal with your own life. We understand from the letter that there is only pain and suffering. Is all this worth that money?
Life is one, there is always a choice. Why disembowel yourself alive and lead to endless aggression? Unfortunately, we can’t make recommendations, it should be done by a psychologist. Choosing what to do with your life, a woman will have to do it herself. In such matters, it is difficult to show a starting point, everything has to move globally.

We sincerely hope that such situations are just exceptions to the rule. May everyone live happily and peacefully! It is not necessary to devalue yourself, but Money is always earned.. Be sure to write down what your actions would have been in such a case and have you ever experienced such boundary feelings?
Wives versus husbands Let them perform only in comedic productions, and in everything else there should be parity, respect and, of course, love. See our next article about what prayer to read so that a man loves you even more. And thank you for staying with us!
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