How I Recover From Any Stress Beyond the 1000 Movement System Nikolai Amosova
Our body is a complex biological system that must be constantly taken care of. The health of each person is affected by many factors. For our best health, we need to pay attention to all the components without focusing on one thing. "Site" It will tell you how to strengthen the body and what you need to do to remain full of energy and strength.
Do not follow the lead of marketers and grab from the shelves of stores bright packaging with positive slogans. These foods often have little to do with healthy eating. If you look closely at the composition, you will find more sugar and flavor additives there than something nutritious. Food is the fuel for our body. It is a necessary building material that our body uses to repair and create new cells and tissues.
Every day our body needs more than 90 different vitamins, minerals, as well as macro- and microelements. They are not found in breakfast cereals, bars, sauces, sausages and white bread, as in many other products.
To get everything you need from food, bet on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes, dairy products without additives, eggs, fish and poultry. Try to buy products that do not contain sugar and incomprehensible ingredients with scary names. Pay attention to the quality standards ISO2200, HACCP, GMP - they are indicated on the packaging.
Every adult is about 65-75% composed of water. It is vital for the regulation of the most important processes in the body. The daily rate of water is 40 ml per 1 kg of weight, that is, about 2-3 liters per person. From food we get on average about a liter a day. This means that daily our body needs 1-2 liters of pure still water.
When our body feels a lack of water, the brain receives a signal that you need to quench your thirst. But many people often confuse feeling thirsty with hunger and choose a snack instead of a glass of clean water. By the way, with age, people are less and less thirsty, although they still need water. Older people often say that they “don’t feel thirsty”, although their body actually needs life-giving fluid. Dehydration of the body leads to headaches, fatigue, stress, dry skin, premature aging. But to fix the situation is so simple: always carry a bottle of clean water and drink a small sip throughout the day. Your body will thank you.
Regular physical activity is as important for our body as proper nutrition and clean water. Of course, many people understand this, but they still do not move much, explaining it as a lack of time. But it is not necessary to buy a subscription to the gym or wind circles around the house. Even the usual daily exercise lasting 5-10 minutes will be enough to maintain the tone of the body and improve health.
In addition, you can always combine the pleasant with the useful and choose an interesting type of physical activity. Invite your friends for a bike ride or a swimming pool. At the weekend, take a long walk in the park or outside the city. By the way, the health promotion system of Nikolai Amosov helps a lot - more useful about the special method of the doctor see here.
Movement strengthens the musculoskeletal system, develops muscles, helps maintain the figure. But the most pleasant bonus is that physical activity helps to improve emotional and mental state, helps to avoid nervous overstrain and cope with depressive states.
Adhering to these basic recommendations, you can strengthen the body and ensure yourself productivity, cheerfulness and excellent health. Remember that harmony and balance are important in everything. If you drink a lot of water, but at the same time eat poorly and move little, then it is unlikely that anything will change dramatically. We wish every day to be filled with health and positive energy!

Do not follow the lead of marketers and grab from the shelves of stores bright packaging with positive slogans. These foods often have little to do with healthy eating. If you look closely at the composition, you will find more sugar and flavor additives there than something nutritious. Food is the fuel for our body. It is a necessary building material that our body uses to repair and create new cells and tissues.

Every day our body needs more than 90 different vitamins, minerals, as well as macro- and microelements. They are not found in breakfast cereals, bars, sauces, sausages and white bread, as in many other products.

To get everything you need from food, bet on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes, dairy products without additives, eggs, fish and poultry. Try to buy products that do not contain sugar and incomprehensible ingredients with scary names. Pay attention to the quality standards ISO2200, HACCP, GMP - they are indicated on the packaging.
Every adult is about 65-75% composed of water. It is vital for the regulation of the most important processes in the body. The daily rate of water is 40 ml per 1 kg of weight, that is, about 2-3 liters per person. From food we get on average about a liter a day. This means that daily our body needs 1-2 liters of pure still water.

When our body feels a lack of water, the brain receives a signal that you need to quench your thirst. But many people often confuse feeling thirsty with hunger and choose a snack instead of a glass of clean water. By the way, with age, people are less and less thirsty, although they still need water. Older people often say that they “don’t feel thirsty”, although their body actually needs life-giving fluid. Dehydration of the body leads to headaches, fatigue, stress, dry skin, premature aging. But to fix the situation is so simple: always carry a bottle of clean water and drink a small sip throughout the day. Your body will thank you.
Regular physical activity is as important for our body as proper nutrition and clean water. Of course, many people understand this, but they still do not move much, explaining it as a lack of time. But it is not necessary to buy a subscription to the gym or wind circles around the house. Even the usual daily exercise lasting 5-10 minutes will be enough to maintain the tone of the body and improve health.
In addition, you can always combine the pleasant with the useful and choose an interesting type of physical activity. Invite your friends for a bike ride or a swimming pool. At the weekend, take a long walk in the park or outside the city. By the way, the health promotion system of Nikolai Amosov helps a lot - more useful about the special method of the doctor see here.
Movement strengthens the musculoskeletal system, develops muscles, helps maintain the figure. But the most pleasant bonus is that physical activity helps to improve emotional and mental state, helps to avoid nervous overstrain and cope with depressive states.

Adhering to these basic recommendations, you can strengthen the body and ensure yourself productivity, cheerfulness and excellent health. Remember that harmony and balance are important in everything. If you drink a lot of water, but at the same time eat poorly and move little, then it is unlikely that anything will change dramatically. We wish every day to be filled with health and positive energy!
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