What mistakes Nikolai Amosov warned those who cook pasta Amosov in early autumn
If you spent your childhood in the Land of Soviets, you probably know what Amosov pasta is. It has long gained the name of an effective folk remedy for strengthening the body. The author of this “vitamin bomb” is the surgeon of the same name – Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov. He advised this mixture of dried fruit and honey to all his patients for a quick recovery.
Now the issue of increasing immunity is especially acute. That's why the editorial board "Site" I decided to remind you how to prepare this reliable, very tasty and incredibly useful miracle remedy in a matter of minutes.
This delicacy is necessary for everyone: both in the fight against current ailments and for prevention. The fact is that Amosov’s paste, in addition to the above, perfectly supports the work of the heart, prevents colds, and also improves sleep. This list can go on, but now it is clear that such a jar of vitamins should be in every home. So how do you make this famous pasta?
The ingredients
Pasta Amosov is quite budgetary, but useful and an easy-to-prepare product. Rather, prepare a couple of jars of this vitamin mixture to ensure excellent health for yourself and your loved ones. We wish you good health!
Now the issue of increasing immunity is especially acute. That's why the editorial board "Site" I decided to remind you how to prepare this reliable, very tasty and incredibly useful miracle remedy in a matter of minutes.

This delicacy is necessary for everyone: both in the fight against current ailments and for prevention. The fact is that Amosov’s paste, in addition to the above, perfectly supports the work of the heart, prevents colds, and also improves sleep. This list can go on, but now it is clear that such a jar of vitamins should be in every home. So how do you make this famous pasta?
The ingredients
- 150g dried
- 200-250g lemon
- 150g raisins
- 150g dates
- 200-250g of honey
- 150g figs
- 150g walnuts
- First you need to know about a few nuances of preparation of ingredients. When choosing dried fruits, you should not buy very beautiful, shiny. The price of such an attractive appearance is treatment with special chemical compositions. If you have already purchased these, then you need to soak them for 20-30 minutes in water. But this, I must say, is not welcome in this case. Also, even matte, good dried fruits should be poured with slightly warm water for 5-7 minutes, and then dried with a towel. Dates do not need to be soaked, just quickly washed under running water. Then also dry with a towel and remove the bones.
- Having done previous manipulations, my lemonWe cut it into small pieces and remove the bones.
- Walnuts. We carefully check for the remains of shells and partitions.
- All prepared ingredients are twisted meat grinder.
- To the crushed homogeneous mixture we add honey. If it is already candied, just paint it in a water bath. This should be done very carefully and slowly, since honey can not be heated at a temperature above 40 ° C. Otherwise, it will lose all its useful properties and may even harm.
- We mix everything thoroughly and put it in clean dry-bank. Some people recommend sterilizing them just in case. Done! Amosov paste should be stored in the refrigerator under the lid. There is enough 1 tsp before meals 2 times a day.
Pasta Amosov is quite budgetary, but useful and an easy-to-prepare product. Rather, prepare a couple of jars of this vitamin mixture to ensure excellent health for yourself and your loved ones. We wish you good health!
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