What criteria men determine the availability of women
Increasingly, it seems that the whole essence of the relationship between a man and a woman in the modern world is reduced only to a specific contractual agreement in the style: “You will cook me borscht, and in return I will try to throw socks around the house not every day, but only three times a week...”
And what is most striking in this situation is not even the meek obedience of most women to such a persuasion, but the fact that for all their acquiescence, the same ladies complain that all romance suddenly disappears from their lives, and their men do not pay them proper attention. And can you blame men for this and resent what you once agreed to? Let's work it out together!
Today's edition. "Site" It offers to consider the most common mistakes of women that lead to problems in relationships and understand how to get rid of the habit of repeating them.
If earlier the “availability of a woman” was assessed by her outfit, today men have become much more discerning in this regard. Now representatives of the stronger sex first of all note the psychological state and level of economics of the potential chosen one. This is especially true for older men who have been trained in “sad experiences.”
Simply put, most men in their 30s no longer need rock beauties. “Such only a city to turn its tail, shoot eyes and nerves to rattle,” some of them note with regret. Now they need compliant and homely: so that the house cleaned, and with credit helped, and fed tasty, and ideally – and laid to sleep (reading a fairy tale for the night – if desired, of course). In short, bearded poor things, tired of raging passions, begin to look for a quiet and calm pier.
And if you're the perfect candidate for the role of such a pier, then in a relationship you like to suffer. Why? Yes, because it is such a compliant simpletons that are easiest to manipulate.
But if the male motives for creating such a relationship can be understood, then what motivates a woman who agrees to such a fate?
Most often, to win the heart of such ladies, only a couple of affectionate words and tender smiles are enough. In most cases, the best housewives are those girls who have been taught obedience to a man since childhood.
Perhaps, at a young age, the baby had the opportunity to watch how the mother constantly turns around the house, like a winded one, trying to please her father. Or maybe I had to listen to dozens of scary stories about loneliness and forty cats, based on the personal experience of the neighbor Nadezhda Ivanovna. There could be many reasons.
To solve this kind of problem, a girl must first determine her personal cause. And most importantly, learn to love yourself and be completely self-sufficient. Then no one can get you into an abusive relationship.
And do you think a woman should be compliant and helpful in a relationship with a man?

And what is most striking in this situation is not even the meek obedience of most women to such a persuasion, but the fact that for all their acquiescence, the same ladies complain that all romance suddenly disappears from their lives, and their men do not pay them proper attention. And can you blame men for this and resent what you once agreed to? Let's work it out together!

Today's edition. "Site" It offers to consider the most common mistakes of women that lead to problems in relationships and understand how to get rid of the habit of repeating them.
If earlier the “availability of a woman” was assessed by her outfit, today men have become much more discerning in this regard. Now representatives of the stronger sex first of all note the psychological state and level of economics of the potential chosen one. This is especially true for older men who have been trained in “sad experiences.”

Simply put, most men in their 30s no longer need rock beauties. “Such only a city to turn its tail, shoot eyes and nerves to rattle,” some of them note with regret. Now they need compliant and homely: so that the house cleaned, and with credit helped, and fed tasty, and ideally – and laid to sleep (reading a fairy tale for the night – if desired, of course). In short, bearded poor things, tired of raging passions, begin to look for a quiet and calm pier.

And if you're the perfect candidate for the role of such a pier, then in a relationship you like to suffer. Why? Yes, because it is such a compliant simpletons that are easiest to manipulate.
But if the male motives for creating such a relationship can be understood, then what motivates a woman who agrees to such a fate?

Most often, to win the heart of such ladies, only a couple of affectionate words and tender smiles are enough. In most cases, the best housewives are those girls who have been taught obedience to a man since childhood.
Perhaps, at a young age, the baby had the opportunity to watch how the mother constantly turns around the house, like a winded one, trying to please her father. Or maybe I had to listen to dozens of scary stories about loneliness and forty cats, based on the personal experience of the neighbor Nadezhda Ivanovna. There could be many reasons.

To solve this kind of problem, a girl must first determine her personal cause. And most importantly, learn to love yourself and be completely self-sufficient. Then no one can get you into an abusive relationship.
And do you think a woman should be compliant and helpful in a relationship with a man?