Why the division of family responsibilities into men and women is outdated
In the modern world marital duties It's been a long time. Moreover, experts believe that such a separation in principle outlived itself and does not make sense. This is partly due to the emancipation of women and the exaggeration of the importance of men’s actions.
If you still admire the man who took the child to the hospital or changed his diaper, you will definitely be interested in our article. Today's edition. "Site" I will try to understand this interesting topic!
New parents should understand one important thing. Men and women do not differ from each other, performing different family duties. In other words, all the things that "standard" wife did, can easily do. Moreover, for example, by cooking dinner, a man does not become superhuman.
Of course, he can be praised and thanked. But to elevate it to the level of Olympus for ordinary domestic action is at least silly. Experienced mother, fighter for justice and journalist Irina Zezyulina shared with her subscribers interesting observations. The girl said, What a man-father looked like 20 years ago. And also what a man like that looks like now. The difference is amazing!
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
First, 20 years ago, a man had to earning. In fact, the main duties of the husband revolved around this. Therefore, he allowed himself to spend less time with the child, citing fatigue and lack of time.
In the past, my father tried not to interfere. parentage. At least until he begins to explain what is happening to him. And when the child grows up and goes to school, such a daddy will not follow his school life. Men are enough to look in the diary sometimes.
In addition, the grown-up son can take with him, for example, fishing. And to all the difficult questions of the child to answer: “Ask your mother.” That was really how it used to be! When it comes to housework, 20 years ago, my husband only worked at home. manlyFixed, moved, cleaned and all that. Oh, yeah! And, of course, took out the trash.
A man must still be a breadwinner. But it is no longer the top priority in life. Moreover, to go to the decree can not mom, but dad. This is decided after a serious conversation between the spouses. It's worth knowing who has More career ambitions and prospects. It is not surprising that sometimes the wife goes to work and the husband stays with the child.
The same thing works with parenting. This is what both parents do. For example, the father should wake up at night if the child cries. Or take him to school, go to parent meetings. If a man goes to work in the morning, it does not mean that other family matters do not concern him.
A good father knows how to feed a child and knows what he can and cannot do. Walking with the baby Not a forced measure, but a daily pastime. In general, the whole life of a child should not seem remote to a man. A modern husband will easily wash and dress the child for the weather. Take him to the section or answer the most difficult question. He will regret and help in any situation.
In addition, the husband knows how to wash things, wash dishes, and sweep the floor. These are common household activities that do not apply only to women. Home routine is not divided by gender. Everyone does what they can. If your wife is tired, it is important to help her. The same is true if the husband is exhausted. Mutual assistance and understanding Guarantor of strong and healthy relationships.
What is a truly happy family? It's a family where marital duties They are not divided into male and female. It is a union in which husband and wife know how to negotiate and do what they can. Home is a place where everyone is happy and comfortable. Here everyone works for the benefit of the whole family, for the common cause.
Do you share Irina Zezyulina’s point of view? It will be great to discuss this topic. We look forward to your comments!
If you still admire the man who took the child to the hospital or changed his diaper, you will definitely be interested in our article. Today's edition. "Site" I will try to understand this interesting topic!

New parents should understand one important thing. Men and women do not differ from each other, performing different family duties. In other words, all the things that "standard" wife did, can easily do. Moreover, for example, by cooking dinner, a man does not become superhuman.
Of course, he can be praised and thanked. But to elevate it to the level of Olympus for ordinary domestic action is at least silly. Experienced mother, fighter for justice and journalist Irina Zezyulina shared with her subscribers interesting observations. The girl said, What a man-father looked like 20 years ago. And also what a man like that looks like now. The difference is amazing!
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
First, 20 years ago, a man had to earning. In fact, the main duties of the husband revolved around this. Therefore, he allowed himself to spend less time with the child, citing fatigue and lack of time.
In the past, my father tried not to interfere. parentage. At least until he begins to explain what is happening to him. And when the child grows up and goes to school, such a daddy will not follow his school life. Men are enough to look in the diary sometimes.

In addition, the grown-up son can take with him, for example, fishing. And to all the difficult questions of the child to answer: “Ask your mother.” That was really how it used to be! When it comes to housework, 20 years ago, my husband only worked at home. manlyFixed, moved, cleaned and all that. Oh, yeah! And, of course, took out the trash.
A man must still be a breadwinner. But it is no longer the top priority in life. Moreover, to go to the decree can not mom, but dad. This is decided after a serious conversation between the spouses. It's worth knowing who has More career ambitions and prospects. It is not surprising that sometimes the wife goes to work and the husband stays with the child.

The same thing works with parenting. This is what both parents do. For example, the father should wake up at night if the child cries. Or take him to school, go to parent meetings. If a man goes to work in the morning, it does not mean that other family matters do not concern him.
A good father knows how to feed a child and knows what he can and cannot do. Walking with the baby Not a forced measure, but a daily pastime. In general, the whole life of a child should not seem remote to a man. A modern husband will easily wash and dress the child for the weather. Take him to the section or answer the most difficult question. He will regret and help in any situation.

In addition, the husband knows how to wash things, wash dishes, and sweep the floor. These are common household activities that do not apply only to women. Home routine is not divided by gender. Everyone does what they can. If your wife is tired, it is important to help her. The same is true if the husband is exhausted. Mutual assistance and understanding Guarantor of strong and healthy relationships.

What is a truly happy family? It's a family where marital duties They are not divided into male and female. It is a union in which husband and wife know how to negotiate and do what they can. Home is a place where everyone is happy and comfortable. Here everyone works for the benefit of the whole family, for the common cause.
Do you share Irina Zezyulina’s point of view? It will be great to discuss this topic. We look forward to your comments!
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