Things Women Do to Attract Men, But Seek Only Dislike

The desire to please men is natural. The concept of attractiveness is very stretchy, and it does not always mean the external beauty of a woman. Female charm, manners, behavior, and the mind is important. Only women in pursuit of perfect beauty still focus on appearance, they are convinced that men love with their eyes. Looking ahead, I want to say that attractive women are not just beautiful dolls. Surprisingly, men are attracted to other things, but today we will talk about what in women, even the most well-groomed, repels potential partners.

Grooming is the first thing that attracts any normal man. It's hard to argue. That's the only way to overdo it. Remember the five mistakes of women and do not repeat them when you value your loved one. Men are used to being reserved, so be it. And if you don't have a boyfriend, think about whether you've made these fatal mistakes.

If nature has deprived thick long eyelashes, I want to embellish the natural beauty. And in this case, do not paint eyelashes: with the build-up, you already wake up beautiful. Only when these eyelashes do not cling to the eyebrows and do not fall on the pillow. Men appreciate naturalness, and they do not like such decoration. If you can not do without building, ask the master to do the most natural procedure. Not too long and not too fluffy. In this case, it is advisable to visit the master regularly.

The best makeup is the one that a man doesn’t notice. The ability to make up well is a very difficult skill. Just know that the more makeup you put on your face, the more it stays on your loved one's shirt. All these side effects of beauty are visible and very annoying to men: tonal cream on your phone or on your jacket, lipstick on a collar or on a glass. A man who says he likes a woman not to wear makeup is also cunning or oblivious to makeup. This is what you should do in your everyday makeup.

Pleasant aromas of cosmetics for body care should not be mixed with each other. Otherwise, such a bouquet will only push the man away. If you choose a pleasant-smelling cream, do not use perfume and deodorant with a pungent smell. Too much fragrance also does not lead to anything good: and if the satellite is allergic or has a too developed sense of smell? In order not to insult a man’s nose, use perfumes with caution and apply perfume an hour before going on a date.

A real man likes to take care of his beloved. It is very right to allow a man to fix something, to praise for it. Just do not use diminutive words, they do not only make men sick.

Obsession with novelties, endless shopping and spending all the money will alienate anyone. A well-groomed woman follows fashion and knows how to choose a wardrobe with taste. But blindly following fashion trends turns a woman into a bogeyman. It is better to choose clothes in accordance with your figure and capabilities, give preference to the classics, you will not lose.

All women are beautiful. Only many try to appear better than they are, thus causing bewilderment in the opposite sex. Be yourself, love yourself as nature made you, be in harmony with yourself. You don't have to go overboard to like it. Then you'll find your man.


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