Why is it helpful to be aware of real estate prices?
Eighty three million three hundred thirty eight thousand two hundred seventy eight
Monthly in Yekaterinburg takes place a few hundred transactions on the buying and selling of apartments. The marketplace has a clear price dynamics. If you are renting an apartment, going to buy it – even before you contact the Agency nice to look at Analytics.
For example, in this link you can learn the basic trends in the following types:
What benefits you can get from working with a similar aggregator of prices?For example, you are going to sell one-room apartment. According to a year ago, 1 square meter cost 64,4 thousand roubles. The average area 40 sq. meters will be priced at 2.7 million. A year later, the same housing is already 2.9 million. Change almost on 200 thousand roubles. The aggregator specifies the average price without taking into account factors such as:
During the year the price has changed by 7%. Taking into account the above factors, the price could rise by another 5-7%. Total cumulative increase will be 10-15%. This is equal to the annual cost of interest rates on mortgages – about 12%.
That is why it is useful to consult the data aggregator. Obtaining reliable information on the market will not only save you a few hundred thousand, but to increase the price of undervalued housing. The realtor always tells you the mechanisms and tools of pricing – but their own vision of the marketplace does not hurt.
As an aggregator affect the rent?Another plus of this site – if increasing the price of the apartment, then rent can also vary in price. As a rule, the cost of the contract of tenancy is fixed. But perhaps you are very much overpaid for it. The site helps you to see not only the average offer on the market, but the data specifically for each area of the city. You will know exactly how much to pay for an apartment – is it justified or overpriced. In a dispute with the landlord a link to a website would be a powerful argument. After all, the price is fixed for all transactions concluded on the market at the moment. It does not depend on human factor and is as objective as possible. Install and discuss the price of housing in precise relation to intelligence is presented.
Monthly in Yekaterinburg takes place a few hundred transactions on the buying and selling of apartments. The marketplace has a clear price dynamics. If you are renting an apartment, going to buy it – even before you contact the Agency nice to look at Analytics.
For example, in this link you can learn the basic trends in the following types:
- Studio apartments have one of the most stable demand and high bid price per square meter. The acquisition of this apartment is the best investment you can always sell the house at the peak of its growth;
- 2-and 3-roomed apartments has grown by 6% and 2% respectively.

What benefits you can get from working with a similar aggregator of prices?For example, you are going to sell one-room apartment. According to a year ago, 1 square meter cost 64,4 thousand roubles. The average area 40 sq. meters will be priced at 2.7 million. A year later, the same housing is already 2.9 million. Change almost on 200 thousand roubles. The aggregator specifies the average price without taking into account factors such as:
- Features of the location of the property;
- The increase in the construction of attractive infrastructure: schools and kindergartens, the introduction of new road junctions;
- The emergence of new retail space large retail operators;
- The mayor of the district of residence, the intensity of development by other developers;
During the year the price has changed by 7%. Taking into account the above factors, the price could rise by another 5-7%. Total cumulative increase will be 10-15%. This is equal to the annual cost of interest rates on mortgages – about 12%.
That is why it is useful to consult the data aggregator. Obtaining reliable information on the market will not only save you a few hundred thousand, but to increase the price of undervalued housing. The realtor always tells you the mechanisms and tools of pricing – but their own vision of the marketplace does not hurt.
As an aggregator affect the rent?Another plus of this site – if increasing the price of the apartment, then rent can also vary in price. As a rule, the cost of the contract of tenancy is fixed. But perhaps you are very much overpaid for it. The site helps you to see not only the average offer on the market, but the data specifically for each area of the city. You will know exactly how much to pay for an apartment – is it justified or overpriced. In a dispute with the landlord a link to a website would be a powerful argument. After all, the price is fixed for all transactions concluded on the market at the moment. It does not depend on human factor and is as objective as possible. Install and discuss the price of housing in precise relation to intelligence is presented.
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