Quick homemade dessert cupcake in a mug
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Today, each maximum value their time. Most have no time for cooking some delicious desserts, so they are in search of the sweetness that can be done as quickly as possible. Cupcake in a mug http://www.pudov.ru/gotovyie-muchnyie-smesi/keks-v-kruzhke is the best solution to such problems. You don't buy snack from the store, which may not suit — you are preparing a cake for tea by yourself without spending too much time.
The method of cooking the cake in a mug
In order to prepare such a sweetness to the tea does not need to have a unique culinary abilities. In the bag, which is bought this product contains a ready-made mix to bake. You don't need to worry about the proportions of flour, yeast, butter and other ingredients. All you have to do is pour the desired amount of water and put bake.
For maximum convenience bake the cupcake in a circle not necessarily in the oven. If you can in a certain way to set your microwave oven, the mixture will easily become marketable in it. Instructions for baking each individual cupcake can be found on the packaging. In the end, this process you do not spend a lot of time, which is important for the modern man.
It is worth noting that this is a snack not for the street, as you will need utensils for cooking. But if you don't know or don't want to cook sweets for yourself, then this product will be your best option.
Is it soft?
Initially, you must determine the composition of such a cupcake. Manufacturers offer all sorts of toppings for cupcakes in a circle, as well as different variations of the test. So you will know that the taste of the purchased product, you will not reject. After baking, you can add cupcake different ingredients. It could be jam, whipped cream, butter and so on. Also at the time of baking you can provide your dish with candied fruit, nuts and other fillings. All that you choose yourself and add to your own taste.
This dessert has the minimum cost. If you want fresh homemade pastry, but this alone can not, this option is for you find. Once you get it in the oven or microwave better to let it cool down and then eat.
Note that all taste like variations of cupcake are the same. The price of the product can be more if its preparation involves the use of more voluminous mugs. Naturally, this means that the cupcake will be much more.
Today, each maximum value their time. Most have no time for cooking some delicious desserts, so they are in search of the sweetness that can be done as quickly as possible. Cupcake in a mug http://www.pudov.ru/gotovyie-muchnyie-smesi/keks-v-kruzhke is the best solution to such problems. You don't buy snack from the store, which may not suit — you are preparing a cake for tea by yourself without spending too much time.

The method of cooking the cake in a mug
In order to prepare such a sweetness to the tea does not need to have a unique culinary abilities. In the bag, which is bought this product contains a ready-made mix to bake. You don't need to worry about the proportions of flour, yeast, butter and other ingredients. All you have to do is pour the desired amount of water and put bake.
For maximum convenience bake the cupcake in a circle not necessarily in the oven. If you can in a certain way to set your microwave oven, the mixture will easily become marketable in it. Instructions for baking each individual cupcake can be found on the packaging. In the end, this process you do not spend a lot of time, which is important for the modern man.
It is worth noting that this is a snack not for the street, as you will need utensils for cooking. But if you don't know or don't want to cook sweets for yourself, then this product will be your best option.
Is it soft?
Initially, you must determine the composition of such a cupcake. Manufacturers offer all sorts of toppings for cupcakes in a circle, as well as different variations of the test. So you will know that the taste of the purchased product, you will not reject. After baking, you can add cupcake different ingredients. It could be jam, whipped cream, butter and so on. Also at the time of baking you can provide your dish with candied fruit, nuts and other fillings. All that you choose yourself and add to your own taste.
This dessert has the minimum cost. If you want fresh homemade pastry, but this alone can not, this option is for you find. Once you get it in the oven or microwave better to let it cool down and then eat.
Note that all taste like variations of cupcake are the same. The price of the product can be more if its preparation involves the use of more voluminous mugs. Naturally, this means that the cupcake will be much more.

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