What is the benefit of dance?
Two million five hundred forty three thousand nine hundred ninety four
Sports have a positive impact not only on physical but also on mental development of children. Moreover, such a hobby can be a wonderful start for future victories. Of course, not every parent raves about how to raise a champion... But, of course, everyone dreams of having his child grow up healthy and succeed in life. In this case, the question arises, in what section to give the baby? To make the choice easier, if he had to something interested. If not, then the ideal option for both boys and girls, will be ballroom dancing.
They consist of two areas: Latin American and European program. Each of them includes several dances. The first category includes: drive, Rumba, cha-cha-cha, Samba and Paso Doble. The second group includes Viennese and slow waltz, quickstep, Foxtrot, tango.
Choreographers think that ballroom dancing is for children up to six years of difficult, better to send them to a children's choreography. But a child of six will be able to master the art of dance.
What is the benefit of dance?
The main positive aspects in dance classes include:
And are there any disadvantages?
Ballroom dancing, like any activity, has its pros and cons. With the first we have met, but what are the drawbacks noted in the art of dance:
The main drawback is the fresh art, to find the perfect partner is not so easy. Therefore, the child will have to learn to find a common language with people. Warn him that it is not necessary to accumulate resentment, and it is better to talk to my partner and tell him/her claim.
Ballroom dancing children can learn in the school of dance "tango". Classes are held in a modern Studio, with the guys doing only professional choreographers, winners of numerous Russian and international competitions.
Sports have a positive impact not only on physical but also on mental development of children. Moreover, such a hobby can be a wonderful start for future victories. Of course, not every parent raves about how to raise a champion... But, of course, everyone dreams of having his child grow up healthy and succeed in life. In this case, the question arises, in what section to give the baby? To make the choice easier, if he had to something interested. If not, then the ideal option for both boys and girls, will be ballroom dancing.
They consist of two areas: Latin American and European program. Each of them includes several dances. The first category includes: drive, Rumba, cha-cha-cha, Samba and Paso Doble. The second group includes Viennese and slow waltz, quickstep, Foxtrot, tango.
Choreographers think that ballroom dancing is for children up to six years of difficult, better to send them to a children's choreography. But a child of six will be able to master the art of dance.
What is the benefit of dance?
The main positive aspects in dance classes include:
- strengthens the immune system of the child and his General physical condition;
- the baby becomes plastic, learning to control the body;
- straightened posture and improves discipline;
- dancing add chivalry to boys and feminine young lady;
- children become open-minded, develop their creative skills;
- children become confident in themselves and their abilities.
And are there any disadvantages?
Ballroom dancing, like any activity, has its pros and cons. With the first we have met, but what are the drawbacks noted in the art of dance:
- high risk of injury, especially if it is wrong to pick shoes;
- participation in the Championships parents pay from his own purse, as well on their shoulders fall the costs of the purchase of competitive outfits.
The main drawback is the fresh art, to find the perfect partner is not so easy. Therefore, the child will have to learn to find a common language with people. Warn him that it is not necessary to accumulate resentment, and it is better to talk to my partner and tell him/her claim.
Ballroom dancing children can learn in the school of dance "tango". Classes are held in a modern Studio, with the guys doing only professional choreographers, winners of numerous Russian and international competitions.