Working in the country in the fall
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Autumn time is for truckers the toughest time. It was during this period need to have time to harvest and organize storage. Pay attention to the plot you want to prepare for the winter.
Working in the country in September.
In the first month of autumn vacationers must be removed from the site fallen leaves and fruits, weeds, leaves, which attract pests. Also carried out trimming perennial plants and replanting. In the country planted shrubs and trees take root, and the soil near their roots loosen. If necessary, is pruning old branches and fertilized soil.
Also need to trim the leaves of strawberries and strawberry. The soil near them also fed with organic fertilizers.
All these work must be performed in a timely manner, not forgetting the harvest. You need to dig potatoes, beets and carrots. And by the end of the month you can start picking pumpkins, cabbage and zucchini. By the way, a unique tool for working in the garden "Tornado" you can buy in online store life Hack Shop.
Work on the site in October.
After the trees are fully exempt from foliage begin their transplant. This is the best time for planting shrubs and fruit trees that have an open root system. If necessary the gardener should form their crowns, and this must be done before the frost.
Is planting annuals. Flower beds should be cleaned of weeds and prepare for the winter is to loosen and level the soil surface, which is subsequently watered and fertilize with dry leaves, manure and grass.
Work in October also include pruning the leaves of lettuce and wrapping it with fabric material. Rows of leeks are covered with a layer of sawdust or compost. After harvest the vegetable garden should be dug, however, large lumps of earth break should not be. This is necessary in order to present in them the larvae of pests froze in cold weather. To protect the ground from excessive freezing can with the help of laying out on the beds of polyethylene of black color. It is also possible to provide the best heating of the soil with the onset of spring.
Villa in November.
This month finishes the season and the focus in this period is paid to fruit trees and shrubs. An overview of the branches, and if they have a nest of worms, kill them. Is pruning diseased trees, the trunks are processed by the whitewash.
Shoots of raspberry connect to each other and tilted to the ground. This will help them to ride out the winter season at low temperature.
Autumn time is for truckers the toughest time. It was during this period need to have time to harvest and organize storage. Pay attention to the plot you want to prepare for the winter.
Working in the country in September.
In the first month of autumn vacationers must be removed from the site fallen leaves and fruits, weeds, leaves, which attract pests. Also carried out trimming perennial plants and replanting. In the country planted shrubs and trees take root, and the soil near their roots loosen. If necessary, is pruning old branches and fertilized soil.
Also need to trim the leaves of strawberries and strawberry. The soil near them also fed with organic fertilizers.
All these work must be performed in a timely manner, not forgetting the harvest. You need to dig potatoes, beets and carrots. And by the end of the month you can start picking pumpkins, cabbage and zucchini. By the way, a unique tool for working in the garden "Tornado" you can buy in online store life Hack Shop.
Work on the site in October.
After the trees are fully exempt from foliage begin their transplant. This is the best time for planting shrubs and fruit trees that have an open root system. If necessary the gardener should form their crowns, and this must be done before the frost.
Is planting annuals. Flower beds should be cleaned of weeds and prepare for the winter is to loosen and level the soil surface, which is subsequently watered and fertilize with dry leaves, manure and grass.
Work in October also include pruning the leaves of lettuce and wrapping it with fabric material. Rows of leeks are covered with a layer of sawdust or compost. After harvest the vegetable garden should be dug, however, large lumps of earth break should not be. This is necessary in order to present in them the larvae of pests froze in cold weather. To protect the ground from excessive freezing can with the help of laying out on the beds of polyethylene of black color. It is also possible to provide the best heating of the soil with the onset of spring.
Villa in November.
This month finishes the season and the focus in this period is paid to fruit trees and shrubs. An overview of the branches, and if they have a nest of worms, kill them. Is pruning diseased trees, the trunks are processed by the whitewash.
Shoots of raspberry connect to each other and tilted to the ground. This will help them to ride out the winter season at low temperature.

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