Funny anecdote about a stubborn wife and resentful husband
Forty three million nine hundred sixty nine thousand four hundred fifty two
Studio apartment. The husband and wife are going to sleep next to in bed asleep their daughter Masha. Is 15 minutes, the husband whispers to his wife:
— Darling, kiss me.
No, wait, she's still awake.
After another 15 minutes:
— Oh, sweetie, kiss me, please, ' asks the husband.
— Wait, Masha has not yet asleep, excuses the wife.
Asking about the kiss several times and not getting the desired, resentful husband gets up and goes to the kitchen. There he opens a locker, pulls out a stashed bottle of champagne and opens it. Heard a deafening clap. Frightened surprise, the husband falls to the floor with a distinctive sound. Then she stands up in the crib, looks at mom and says to her reproachfully:
— Well, mom showed a lot of character? You dad was shot!
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
Studio apartment. The husband and wife are going to sleep next to in bed asleep their daughter Masha. Is 15 minutes, the husband whispers to his wife:
— Darling, kiss me.
No, wait, she's still awake.
After another 15 minutes:
— Oh, sweetie, kiss me, please, ' asks the husband.
— Wait, Masha has not yet asleep, excuses the wife.
Asking about the kiss several times and not getting the desired, resentful husband gets up and goes to the kitchen. There he opens a locker, pulls out a stashed bottle of champagne and opens it. Heard a deafening clap. Frightened surprise, the husband falls to the floor with a distinctive sound. Then she stands up in the crib, looks at mom and says to her reproachfully:
— Well, mom showed a lot of character? You dad was shot!
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
As I overheard a funny conversation grandfather with a young guy
As the harsh Russian men raised the fallen from the wind stop