How one man almost brought to mind of guards
Thirty six million two hundred ninety nine thousand four hundred twenty six
Rides a Bicycle past the little border man. On the trunk of the bike there are two large bag. The border guard stops him and asks:
— Dear, what do you have in the bags?
— Hay.
The border guard asks to inspect the bags, opens them and does the hay. Digging in it, he finds nothing prohibited, and releases the man.
After a week he appears again near the border crossing on the bike with two bags. Again, inspect it, find nothing and go. This situation lasts for several months, stubbornly guards inspect the bags, but nothing but hay, they do not find.
And once near to the border town, the border guard meets the right man.
"Look," he says. — We are absolutely confident that you bring across the border smuggled goods, but can not understand how you do it. Everyone is already going crazy! I give you my word that anything said will remain between us. So what do you bring?
— Bicycles I spend…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
Rides a Bicycle past the little border man. On the trunk of the bike there are two large bag. The border guard stops him and asks:
— Dear, what do you have in the bags?
— Hay.
The border guard asks to inspect the bags, opens them and does the hay. Digging in it, he finds nothing prohibited, and releases the man.
After a week he appears again near the border crossing on the bike with two bags. Again, inspect it, find nothing and go. This situation lasts for several months, stubbornly guards inspect the bags, but nothing but hay, they do not find.
And once near to the border town, the border guard meets the right man.
"Look," he says. — We are absolutely confident that you bring across the border smuggled goods, but can not understand how you do it. Everyone is already going crazy! I give you my word that anything said will remain between us. So what do you bring?
— Bicycles I spend…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
It took one innocent question to drive this woman crazy.
I covered all my tracks carefully, but my wife burned it anyway!