Here's what not to do during menstruation! 9 dangerous mistakes women of all…
During menstruation the female body becomes more vulnerable. But many girls prefer not to pay much attention to the beginning of the cycle and continue to do the usual things. But gynecologists insist that these days still need to take it easy.
What to do during месячных
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The author
Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
What to do during месячных

- Mistake # 1 — sports
Some ladies do not pay much attention to menstrual cycle and run to the gym, not to miss the long-awaited exercise. But gynecologists recommend that on the first day of menstruation to completely abandon physical activity. The fact that this exercise period, as never before, to promote increased blood flow in the genitals, which causes a profuse discharge.
However, it is not necessary to deprive yourself entirely useful workouts: Pilates, yoga (no inverted poses) and therapeutic exercise are welcome.
Forty seven million four hundred sixty one thousand six hundred twenty eight - Mistake # 2 — bed
Many women first few days of the menstrual cycle spend in bed, Recalling abdominal pain. This is not the correct decision, as in a state of absolute rest, the blood stagnates and the monthly pass is much more painful. During menstruation a small exercise shown! The only exceptions are those women whose menstruation be a real test of endurance. Then the problem should be addressed directly with the doctor.
Thirty six million four hundred sixty four thousand eight hundred nine - Mistake # 3 — taking a bath
It is better to refuse from taking baths during this period. During menstruation, the cervix became more regular and, consequently, very vulnerable to the negative effects of bacteria. Also you should avoid overheating of the body during the bath, the vessels dilate and circulation increases. This can result in heavy bleeding.
Forty four million seven hundred ninety eight thousand five hundred thirty - Mistake # 4 — active sex life
Women often ask the gynecologist: can intimacy during menstruation? What most doctors give a positive answer, provided that partners use barrier contraception. However, even if all the rules of intimacy, there is a big risk to provoke inflammatory diseases. Because uterine blood is an excellent environment for the development of infections and germs. Therefore it is better to postpone amenity for later!
Thirty two million one hundred forty five thousand one hundred thirty nine - Mistake # 5 — a strict diet
Some ladies in an attempt to gain a perfect figure I don't even think about how to abandon the strict diet for even one day. But gynecologists insist that it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet during menstruation. There can be almost anything, preferably often and in small quantities. Because malnutrition combined with blood loss can cause severe discomfort.
Sixty million two hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred forty five - Mistake # 6 — taking certain medicines
During menstruation worsens blood clotting, so do not take drugs that affect the blood-forming processes. Such medicines include aspirin and aspirin. Those experiencing severe abdominal pain, it is better to pay attention to the preparations of acetaminophen.
Sixty three million six hundred twenty two thousand three hundred twenty five - Error No. 7 — the use of alcoholic beverages
Gynecologists advise women at this period to completely abandon soft drinks. Alcohol only heightens menstrual pain and discomfort. The good news is that no restriction in fluid intake. You can drink as many water, juices, tea.
Sixty four million nine hundred thirty two thousand four hundred ninety two - Mistake # 8 — frequent use of tampons
Constant and prolonged use of tampons can cause the development of inflammation. This is especially true of women who often change hygiene in the place with dirty hands. Also prolonged use of a tampon leads to the fact that blood cells in a warm environment begin vigorously to decompose.
Twenty nine million seven hundred thirty thousand three hundred thirty three - Mistake # 8 — consumption of salty foods
Many ladies during menstruation suffer from swelling, so do not aggravate the situation of excess salt.
Thirty four million five hundred eighty eight thousand three hundred seventy seven
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The author

Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
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