Came to rest in Greece. And I must say that the Pope taught in the school Latin and Greek...
Sixty four million two hundred seventy three thousand two hundred sixty eight
At the time my dad graduated from the prestigious school, where he taught Latin and Greek. Recently traveled with him to rest in Greece. A couple of days managed to learn a few new words here and decided to show off his knowledge.
The case turned up almost immediately: in the port need to know exactly when the ferry sails away. Dad confidently walked up to the port workers, something he said, then the man clutched his stomach and literally fell to his knees in a fit of hysterical laughter. Without thinking, I rushed to him to at least English to know what it so funny. Was in the mouth of Pope innocent the question sounded so:
— I greet you, brave soldier! When floats that galley?
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
At the time my dad graduated from the prestigious school, where he taught Latin and Greek. Recently traveled with him to rest in Greece. A couple of days managed to learn a few new words here and decided to show off his knowledge.
The case turned up almost immediately: in the port need to know exactly when the ferry sails away. Dad confidently walked up to the port workers, something he said, then the man clutched his stomach and literally fell to his knees in a fit of hysterical laughter. Without thinking, I rushed to him to at least English to know what it so funny. Was in the mouth of Pope innocent the question sounded so:
— I greet you, brave soldier! When floats that galley?
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru