6 attractions of our world that are deceiving us
Ninety eight million five hundred sixty six thousand six hundred eighty one
Some attractions attract gullible tourists due to a beautiful legend.
Site talk about what silent guides and what famous tourist sites are at least questionable.
The Home Of Sherlock Holmes
Everyone knows that Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character, but tourists are still eager to get to his house-Museum. In the days of Arthur Conan Doyle's house with the number 221B did not exist, as this street was not more than 100 buildings. Now the Museum is located at No. 239, and to hang a sign saying "Baker street 221B", I had to register a company with the same name. However, readers from all over the world still send letters to Sherlock Holmes on this imaginary address.
Dracula's Castle
Bran castle may look ominous, but it has little to do with the prototype of count Dracula — Vlad Tepes. In fact he belonged to another Romanian castle — Poenari, which is now, unfortunately, only ruins are left, so that the real attraction is located away from the tourist trails.
The city of Romeo and Juliet
Hundreds of tourists visiting daily in Verona, home of Romeo and Juliet. And, of course, they show that very balcony, on which the unfolded key love scene plays. A must is also a visit to Juliet's tomb. Rarely people remember that actually Romeo and Juliet in Verona has never existed.
Winery Devil
Winery devil — fire pass, now known as the narrowest street in Prague. In the mid-fifteenth century, these passages were few, but to this day they have not survived. They are created primarily to slow the spread of fire, which could cause great damage to this densely built city.
Six Rodin Columbus
In Genoa there is the house where allegedly he lived a little Christopher Columbus. However, the building was built in XVII–XVIII centuries, and Columbus was born in the XV century. The title of the homeland of the discoverer of America expect from 6 cities of Spain and Italy, and there is no compelling reason to believe that he was born in Genoa.
Sleepy Hollow
The settlement of Sleepy Hollow in upstate new York in the late 1800's of years was known as North Tarrytown, but then changed the name because of the favorable Association with the famous short story by Washington Irving. Interest in the village and warmed the Tim Burton movie "Sleepy Hollow" (1999), although he removed it far away from here — in the UK.
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Some attractions attract gullible tourists due to a beautiful legend.
Site talk about what silent guides and what famous tourist sites are at least questionable.
The Home Of Sherlock Holmes
Everyone knows that Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character, but tourists are still eager to get to his house-Museum. In the days of Arthur Conan Doyle's house with the number 221B did not exist, as this street was not more than 100 buildings. Now the Museum is located at No. 239, and to hang a sign saying "Baker street 221B", I had to register a company with the same name. However, readers from all over the world still send letters to Sherlock Holmes on this imaginary address.
Dracula's Castle
Bran castle may look ominous, but it has little to do with the prototype of count Dracula — Vlad Tepes. In fact he belonged to another Romanian castle — Poenari, which is now, unfortunately, only ruins are left, so that the real attraction is located away from the tourist trails.
The city of Romeo and Juliet
Hundreds of tourists visiting daily in Verona, home of Romeo and Juliet. And, of course, they show that very balcony, on which the unfolded key love scene plays. A must is also a visit to Juliet's tomb. Rarely people remember that actually Romeo and Juliet in Verona has never existed.
Winery Devil
Winery devil — fire pass, now known as the narrowest street in Prague. In the mid-fifteenth century, these passages were few, but to this day they have not survived. They are created primarily to slow the spread of fire, which could cause great damage to this densely built city.
Six Rodin Columbus
In Genoa there is the house where allegedly he lived a little Christopher Columbus. However, the building was built in XVII–XVIII centuries, and Columbus was born in the XV century. The title of the homeland of the discoverer of America expect from 6 cities of Spain and Italy, and there is no compelling reason to believe that he was born in Genoa.
Sleepy Hollow
The settlement of Sleepy Hollow in upstate new York in the late 1800's of years was known as North Tarrytown, but then changed the name because of the favorable Association with the famous short story by Washington Irving. Interest in the village and warmed the Tim Burton movie "Sleepy Hollow" (1999), although he removed it far away from here — in the UK.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/110568100/stock-photo-the-places-of-london.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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