As my hitchhiking trip turned into an episode of "the x-files»
Eighty eight million eight hundred eighteen thousand six hundred forty nine
A couple of weeks ago I had to hitch-hike from the tiny settlement to the city. I stand at the road vote. All the cars rushing past me, no one even eye will not blink.
Finally stopped a good man and has agreed to drop closer to the city. The driver — a young guy, clearly a lover of polihachit. And here we are rushing at the speed of 150 km/h, overtake all the passing cars. So drove about half an hour. Before turning to another road guy dropped me off and went home.
I stood on the curb, vote on. And just then began the most interesting: by passing the same cars that I tried to stop 60 kilometers ago. Passing by, the drivers begin to involuntarily slow down, rubbed my eyes and anxiously staring at me in the face. One hundred pounds was thinking that he was in some kind of time vortex or met an alien from a parallel world.
Who knows, maybe I already became a hero of another mystical legends…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
A couple of weeks ago I had to hitch-hike from the tiny settlement to the city. I stand at the road vote. All the cars rushing past me, no one even eye will not blink.
Finally stopped a good man and has agreed to drop closer to the city. The driver — a young guy, clearly a lover of polihachit. And here we are rushing at the speed of 150 km/h, overtake all the passing cars. So drove about half an hour. Before turning to another road guy dropped me off and went home.
I stood on the curb, vote on. And just then began the most interesting: by passing the same cars that I tried to stop 60 kilometers ago. Passing by, the drivers begin to involuntarily slow down, rubbed my eyes and anxiously staring at me in the face. One hundred pounds was thinking that he was in some kind of time vortex or met an alien from a parallel world.
Who knows, maybe I already became a hero of another mystical legends…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
Recently, I had the Junior brother, or best friend
"So why, you, eagles, stand there and do nothing?!"