The guy took a big risk, but fate is a fair thing...
Ninety eight million six hundred sixty nine thousand six hundred seventy five
Waiting at the bus stop. Next to the pedestrian crossing, the road crosses a skinny kid with glasses and a briefcase behind. Slowly striding across the Zebra crossing, picks his phone. Cars obediently waiting, when the pedestrian reaches the sidewalk. And then from behi expensive protrudes bald head with the words:
Hey, nerd, you cowards!
To the surprise of others, the boy started to talk back in response:
— What, Cinderella, late? The carriage in the pumpkin turn into?
The pedestrian safely crossed the roadway, the car drove off. And only 20 meters Beha braked sharply — apparently, before the driver realized the meaning of the words of the brave. He could easily catch up and pummel the guy, but fate decreed otherwise. Due to the sharp deceleration in the ass behi at full speed moved in not less than a tricked-out Mercedes.
Cocky nerd disappeared around a bend, and drove remained at "the broken trough"...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Waiting at the bus stop. Next to the pedestrian crossing, the road crosses a skinny kid with glasses and a briefcase behind. Slowly striding across the Zebra crossing, picks his phone. Cars obediently waiting, when the pedestrian reaches the sidewalk. And then from behi expensive protrudes bald head with the words:
Hey, nerd, you cowards!
To the surprise of others, the boy started to talk back in response:
— What, Cinderella, late? The carriage in the pumpkin turn into?
The pedestrian safely crossed the roadway, the car drove off. And only 20 meters Beha braked sharply — apparently, before the driver realized the meaning of the words of the brave. He could easily catch up and pummel the guy, but fate decreed otherwise. Due to the sharp deceleration in the ass behi at full speed moved in not less than a tricked-out Mercedes.
Cocky nerd disappeared around a bend, and drove remained at "the broken trough"...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Yesterday had an accident on the bus and realized the dream of childhood...
All the benefits of high-quality wooden Windows