As I was humiliated on his first operation after the nursing
Sixty eight million seven hundred sixty eight thousand three hundred fifty four
Right after graduation from medical school got a job in a hospital as assistant surgeon. On the nose the first serious operation, from the excitement of the blood in the veins freezes. Instructed to follow closely the doctor and in time to file the necessary tools.
And then came the hour X. In the operating room came the chief surgeon of the Department — the legend of the entire hospital. And the doctor that was a little weird. During the operation he was tired from the long standing still, so I started to postebatsya shuffling on his feet. But I, of course, nobody warned.
Is the second hour of the operation, the surgeon begins weird "to dance". Lean to the second assistant to find out what's going on. And that I whisper so seriously:
— What are you doing?! Forgotten what your duties include. See a doctor in the toilet wanted. Here, have a three-liter jar and go under the table to him dive. All that he needs, he will do, not looking up from his work.
Only regret that I never saw the face of the doctor, when I told him under the operating table pants to unbutton the beginning. Say, the sight was unforgettable…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
Right after graduation from medical school got a job in a hospital as assistant surgeon. On the nose the first serious operation, from the excitement of the blood in the veins freezes. Instructed to follow closely the doctor and in time to file the necessary tools.
And then came the hour X. In the operating room came the chief surgeon of the Department — the legend of the entire hospital. And the doctor that was a little weird. During the operation he was tired from the long standing still, so I started to postebatsya shuffling on his feet. But I, of course, nobody warned.
Is the second hour of the operation, the surgeon begins weird "to dance". Lean to the second assistant to find out what's going on. And that I whisper so seriously:
— What are you doing?! Forgotten what your duties include. See a doctor in the toilet wanted. Here, have a three-liter jar and go under the table to him dive. All that he needs, he will do, not looking up from his work.
Only regret that I never saw the face of the doctor, when I told him under the operating table pants to unbutton the beginning. Say, the sight was unforgettable…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
As one woman for theft issued a very strange sentence
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