It turns out that employees of traffic police a great sense of humor...
Seventy million nine hundred eighty eight thousand seven hundred ten
Last night was late for an important meeting with partners, so I had a couple of times to break the speed limit. You know, now there are cameras all over that record riders-offenders — taking pictures, and then send the penalty charge notice in the mail.
After the accident, took pictures of me. Few days later in the mail came a check for a substantial sum and a photo of my "iron horse" indicating the Overspeed. That day the mood was good, so I decided to make a joke. Sfotkal on the phone money on the table, printed, and then sent to the address on the envelope. Another week passed, and the answer came to me.
Opened the envelope, and there the handcuffs...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Last night was late for an important meeting with partners, so I had a couple of times to break the speed limit. You know, now there are cameras all over that record riders-offenders — taking pictures, and then send the penalty charge notice in the mail.
After the accident, took pictures of me. Few days later in the mail came a check for a substantial sum and a photo of my "iron horse" indicating the Overspeed. That day the mood was good, so I decided to make a joke. Sfotkal on the phone money on the table, printed, and then sent to the address on the envelope. Another week passed, and the answer came to me.
Opened the envelope, and there the handcuffs...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru